Nice wins nothing [HQ]

30 Eylül 2010 Perşembe, 14:07

916 izlenme


Luke Johnson
sick vid :D

Mark Oguntade
that was really bad

Aaron Durbridge
Ribery over rated big time stay at munich

Jag Seera
ribery is a baaaaad player that should grace la
liga or the premiership

Jack-pain Men-rudge
were stayin up

Jack-pain Men-rudge
super super kev

Milos 'Malouda' Radusinovic
wow he scared a raindier

Tom St George Stapleton
wot a pony advert

Meji Alabi-Isama
This was alright.

Erik Gibson Kristensen
find a NEW team ribery lol

Adrien Petit
quand on entend Ribéry dire "bou !",
on voit bien qu'il est du nord ;-)

Mandy Mura
nice ad!

Marcos Restegui
ribery feooooo!! xD

Farhan Sadique

Fundi Maphanga
Lol! Ribery The Badass!!

Mohammad Salahuddin
Croissant+Marmalade= NICE!

Kinanka Ghosh
Is this guy Acting in TWILIGHT!!No
questions...Ribery is an awesome player!!

Mariah Tseliou

Abdalrahman Jasem

Joel Binali
dat ad is dead

Horluwasheyi Tunedz
Diz doesn't make sense to me

'Dezmo ─╤╦︻ Raheeb'
*** all haters man u r da best !!!

Ali Shash
man u sucks.!! nice

Matthew Collinson
ribs fer not ugly

Gbenga Vicktor Taiwò Abidemi
Nike's new campaigns are such an

Mehmetcan Memq Serim
cool as hell!!

Steven Sheetz
ribery is gay... n how did he get that massive
scar... running in the woods n fell over??? or
fighting with a deer??

Josh Scott-Clark
car crash

Jailos Chirwa
ur gay, ribery sign for aston villa much betta
than man utd

Arturo Márquez Flores
hes *** ugly

Tom Woodier
ha ha wat a viddeoo

Josh Chuck Matthews
hahaha ribery anit goin to sign for aston villa
they r soo shit he needs some think like inter or
ac mlain or arsenal some one who anit goin to cost
them £50-£80 million he anit worth that much

Rizha Rizki Prayoga
ribery will come to man u

Brad Webb
‎'jailos chirwa'! shut up u stoopid
four door

Jordan ᵀᴴᴱ ᴼᴿᴵᴳᴵᴻᴬᴸ Jaxon
hu cares wt he luks lyk id have him in my team
neday!!! badman balller!!!

Harlan Woodland
ribery is shit not worth more then 10mil what a

Sharif 'Bigbear' Kazim
naaah b its a dirty a baller g dat guy bangs
goals assist defends wat more do u need from a

Owen Scullion
dear oh dear!

╚► Azkar Ahsan ◄╝
wtf shittest ad

Brad Webb
wtf shittest colour

Ahmed Minkara
NICE! lol

Michael Russell
lol saxaphone

Cuream Ceristiano
azkar ur moms the shitist ad on the porn site

Tom Griffiths
plastic surgery would have been nice...

Deane Kenny
last time i checked, you wernt earning 100 G a
week. ; )

Juan Hector Cervantes
osea... franck ribery es uno de los mejores.. eso
no cabe duda..

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