Official Babies Trailer [HD]

16 Temmuz 2010 Cuma, 10:00

1465 izlenme


Shelby Boyd-Hensley
i'm taking my little girl to see this when
it comes out, she won't let me stop playing
this trailer!! lol

Amély St-Denis
what is the name of this song ?! !!!

Jackie Murray Yeo
It's just so fun to watch the trailer!

Mary Beth Galloway
I can't wait! :)

Amely, The song is by Sufjan Stevens, called The
Perpetual Self, or "What Would Saul Alinsky

Erica Jensen Morgan

Colombe Côté Loef
Can't wait to see it in it's entirety.

Tara Arcade
this movie pretty much rocks. can't wait to
see it!

Elisabetta Malvagna
When is this great movie coming to

Jennifer Concidine
I*** excited to see this movie

Luíza Diener
that's soooooooooooooooo very cute!!!!

Lily M Thompson
Please let me know when the screening is, please,
please, looks terrific!

Sandy Cheng
did some googling, found that the release date is
april 16. keeping fingers crossed that this is
true (but wished it was sooner).

Albena Damianova me canso de verlo :-)

Molly Steinkrauss
I felt bad for Pirate Radio...I saw this preview
before that movie, and could only think about how
excited I was to see this movie the whole time!

Keisha Harrison
Can't wait to see this!!!!

Julie Delano
This will be my all time favorite I can tell.
Can't wait!

Alissa Gotta
When in 2010?

Gözde Emregil Işık
in April, as far as I know..

Kaley Rebecca Swyers
I can't wait to see this film! What an
awesome idea!

Jessica Adams-Hughes
Saw the trailer in the theater the other day and
I was bummed I couldn't see Babies instead of
the movie I'd come to see! Looking forward
to when it comes out!

Kate Logan Fulford
i hope to see this movie with my new baby :)

Ideree Khuslen
so cute..just like my baby...

Hillary Demeo-Norton
Can;t wait!

Jay Theprungsirikul
i'm wonderin about the 2 namibia kids...
what were they doin with the rock?? curious ;)

Marie Reynolds
‎@Jay: Uhh...I guess they're doing the
same thing that any toddler you know might do with
a Fisher-Price learning work bench--pounding,
tapping, exercising their motor skills. Babies
develop the same way all around the world--some
have manufactured playthings and others play with
things from their environment.

Samantha Bird
I'm due in late June! Can't wait to see
this film!

Sarantuya Adiyakhuu
can't wait to see this movie...sooo

Barbara Kazakaitis Marsden
would love to see it..what a perfect gift for
Mother's Day or the CD from the movie,
"Mama Mia"....

Eyvonne Jones

Katheryn Wilson Heinz
I love it! I hope Lexington gets it!

Joan Eck
This looks like a great movie!

Belagh Dirank's
love it!!! so....awwwwwww!!!

Valentina Adile
I hope we will see the movie in Italy too!!!

Sandy Morello the goat in the bathtub! lol

Michelle Meyer
I can't wait to see this. The two boys at
the beginning are replicas of mine.

Christen Madrazo
cant wait!

Chrystelle Noyon
commen c terrible tro beau!!!

Philip Marinello
Really looking forward to seeing this!

ı want to back babyhood

Shelby Hensley
i'm taking my little girl to see this when it
comes out, she won't let me stop playing this
trailer!! lol

Amély St-Denis
what is the name of this song ?! !!!

Jackie Murray Yeo
It's just so fun to watch the trailer!

Mary Beth Galloway
I can't wait! :)

Amely, The song is by Sufjan Stevens, called The
Perpetual Self, or "What Would Saul Alinsky

Erica Jensen Morgan

Colombe Côté Loef
Can't wait to see it in it's entirety.

Tara Arcade
this movie pretty much rocks. can't wait to
see it!

Elisabetta Malvagna
When is this great movie coming to

Jennifer Concidine
I*** excited to see this movie

Luíza Diener
that's soooooooooooooooo very cute!!!!

Boston Lily
Please let me know when the screening is, please,
please, looks terrific!

Sandy Cheng
did some googling, found that the release date is
april 16. keeping fingers crossed that this is
true (but wished it was sooner).

Albena Damianova me canso de verlo :-)

Molly Steinkrauss
I felt bad for Pirate Radio...I saw this preview
before that movie, and could only think about how
excited I was to see this movie the whole time!

Keisha Harrison
Can't wait to see this!!!!

Julie Delano
This will be my all time favorite I can tell.
Can't wait!

Alissa Gotta
When in 2010?

Gözde Emregil Işık
in April, as far as I know..

Kaley Rebecca Swyers
I can't wait to see this film! What an
awesome idea!

Jessica Hughes
Saw the trailer in the theater the other day and I
was bummed I couldn't see Babies instead of
the movie I'd come to see! Looking forward
to when it comes out!

Kate Logan Fulford
i hope to see this movie with my new baby :)

Ideree Khuslen
so cute..just like my baby...

Hillary Demeo-Norton
Can;t wait!

Jay Theprungsirikul
i'm wonderin about the 2 namibia kids... what
were they doin with the rock?? curious ;)

Marie Reynolds
‎@Jay: Uhh...I guess they're doing the
same thing that any toddler you know might do with
a Fisher-Price learning work bench--pounding,
tapping, exercising their motor skills. Babies
develop the same way all around the world--some
have manufactured playthings and others play with
things from their environment.

Samantha Bird
I'm due in late June! Can't wait to see
this film!

Sarantuya Adiyakhuu
can't wait to see this movie...sooo

Barbara Kazakaitis Marsden
would love to see it..what a perfect gift for
Mother's Day or the CD from the movie,
"Mama Mia"....

Vonnie Jones

Katheryn Wilson Heinz
I love it! I hope Lexington gets it!

Joan Eck
This looks like a great movie!

Pelarghiah Ndiranks
love it!!! so....awwwwwww!!!

Valentina Adile
I hope we will see the movie in Italy too!!!

Sandy Morello the goat in the bathtub! lol

Michelle Meyer
I can't wait to see this. The two boys at
the beginning are replicas of mine.

Christen Madrazo
cant wait!

Princess Chrystelle
commen c terrible tro beau!!!

Philip Marinello
Really looking forward to seeing this!

Fahrurrozi Rozi

Mashail Aljarboa
Awwwwwwwwwwwww i Wanna one like those ;')

Cheryna Mendoza
h nice

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