Our best Bobby McFerrin. [HD]

19 Temmuz 2010 Pazartesi, 07:00

1618 izlenme


Sondra Hicks
we all do things when we *** nothing else to do
its ok

Juan Knight
jajajaja como molan los taxistas catalanes!!xD

Jennifer Jay Rulloda Mendoza
you're soooo adorable!

Monica Renna
other pics?

Daniele Debattista
i wish more actors were as down to earth as you!

Charlotte Lotte
i'm gonna have it in head for all the day
toto dodo don't worry be happy

Ltfy Misal
i love you man!!

Cinzia Gilmore
It seems you're having lots of fun in
Spain...I'm really happy for you guys! Enjoy
your stay! ;)

Fatma Berber
omg he is sicking cute!!! doonntt worry be
happyy nanananana :D

Nicole Haering
Reminds me of my pop's singing fish. Much
better than our bus trip song - The Bear Song.
Worthy of some real facepalming.Good to see
you're having fun over there.

Onnicha Sundarotok
Hahaha awesome!

Aline Grodt
Damn! You're such an AWESOME singer
too!!!!!!!!!! What CAN'T you do??????

Chantz Hough
Oh my Gosh I have so done this before only it was
Bob Marly and "Dont Worry about a ting, cuz
every little ting, is gonna be alright"

Helena Pacheco
you´re breaking hearts.... trust in me.... :)

Nema Elkins Ward
that was cute...

Joanne Kaatz Shields
That was awful and I was expecting something
totally delightful. Please try to consider my
wishes in the future. Just because you can does
not mean you should.

Marek Řehoř
he is now in Barcelona???CZ

Francesca Benini

Tuğçe Karluk
ıf u come turkey l will be happy :))

Sara Franceschini
you're crazy! :)

Rafael Dos Santos Martins
rsrsrsrs, que meigo, eles no carro a passear,
show dw bola!!!!

Doris Agaba B
okay granted u can act, but u cant sing

Jenna Vento
doris: google "Terrified by Katherine McPhee
and Zachary Levi" he can totally sing

Julie Crick Engelhardt
Zach.. so terribly funny! I'm so glad you
are 'Chuck' now instead of that dreadful
'Kip' character on Less Than Perfect! We
Love your show. Glad you're on NBC, too. My
husband works for the NBC affiliate in the
Monterey area. Wish you and t...he cast would come
up for a press junket.. something. Can't ever
make it to Comicon. Please consider doing
something in SF or San Jose.. thanks for such
great entertainment..Julie Engelhardt Gör

Georgia Garrison Cooper
Too hilarious!

Cynthia Dran
Yeah, be happy, have alot of fun, fun,fun!!!!

Klopper Priscila
I looooooooooove this song!!! <33~.... ahahah
You're awesome,man xD/

Roberta Micoccio
I love your laugh and your fun ... send me
happiness ^_^

Katty Wilomovsky

Corina Yballa
haha thats just so funny :) ur hilarious

Pink Kat
great....sharing it with others....

Palo Potter
well, the taxi men is good, you are so funny and
crazy, take care

Ekrem Güvenç
great... :D

Mandy Brown
i love his laugh!!!!! :D

Annabel Romanos
This made my day. Thanks :)

Chuck Delisi
I think you should make the album sounds very
nice zach

Anne Roberge
I'm always siging this song!!!! Ha ha ha!!!
Don't worry, beeeee happy now!!!!!! :):):)

Yulia Kriana Amaral

Catherine Ralphs
So you've visited Birmingham for T1 now you
should visit Nottingham, its a great city

Scott Connelly
Who here would l-o-v-e to see Zach do some
stand-up comedy around the country?? C'mon,
yo!! This man's funny...ur FUNNY, Zach -
entertain us with some routines, and we could see
you live and in person!!!!!!! =]

Katie Kopecki
‎"dont worry be happy" lol love

Silvia SiRea Convertini
lol :) :) :)

Ana Jesenaš
cool...lol lulu...

Rechebelle Comia Camalig
‎..you are really so cute!!

Monica Renna
other pics?

Daniele DeBattista
i wish more actors were as down to earth as you!

Charlotte Lotte
i'm gonna have it in head for all the day
toto dodo don't worry be happy

Ltfy Misal
i love you man!!

Cinzia Gilmore
It seems you're having lots of fun in
Spain...I'm really happy for you guys! Enjoy
your stay! ;)

Fatma Berber
omg he is sicking cute!!! doonntt worry be happyy
nanananana :D

Nicole Haering
Reminds me of my pop's singing fish. Much
better than our bus trip song - The Bear Song.
Worthy of some real facepalming.Good to see
you're having fun over there.

Onnicha Sundarotok
Hahaha awesome!

Aline Grodt
Damn! You're such an AWESOME singer
too!!!!!!!!!! What CAN'T you do??????

Chantz Hough
Oh my Gosh I have so done this before only it was
Bob Marly and "Dont Worry about a ting, cuz
every little ting, is gonna be alright"

Paxeku Lena
you´re breaking hearts.... trust in me.... :)

Nema Elkins Ward
that was cute...

Joanne Kaatz Shields
That was awful and I was expecting something
totally delightful. Please try to consider my
wishes in the future. Just because you can does
not mean you should.

Marek Řehoř
he is now in Barcelona???CZ

Francesca Benini

Sara Franceschini
you're crazy! :)

Rafael Dos Santos Martins
rsrsrsrs, que meigo, eles no carro a passear, show
dw bola!!!!

Doris Agaba B
okay granted u can act, but u cant sing

Jenna Vento
doris: google "Terrified by Katherine McPhee
and Zachary Levi" he can totally sing

Julie Crick Engelhardt
Zach.. so terribly funny! I'm so glad you are
'Chuck' now instead of that dreadful
'Kip' character on Less Than Perfect! We
Love your show. Glad you're on NBC, too. My
husband works for the NBC affiliate in the
Monterey area. Wish you and t...

Georgia Garrison Cooper
Too hilarious!

Cynthia Dran
Yeah, be happy, have alot of fun, fun,fun!!!!

Klopper Priscila
I looooooooooove this song!!! <33~.... ahahah
You're awesome,man xD/

Roberta Micoccio
I love your laugh and your fun ... send me
happiness ^_^

Kathryn Morris

Corina Yballa
haha thats just so funny :) ur hilarious

Pink Kat
great....sharing it with others....

Palo Pugh Cyrus
well, the taxi men is good, you are so funny and
crazy, take care

Ekrem Güvenç
great... :D

Mandy Marie Brown
i love his laugh!!!!! :D

Annabel Romanos
This made my day. Thanks :)

Duygu Olcay
I think you should make the album sounds very nice

Anne Roberge
I'm always siging this song!!!! Ha ha ha!!!
Don't worry, beeeee happy now!!!!!! :):):)

Yulia Kriana Amaral

Catherine Ralphs
So you've visited Birmingham for T1 now you
should visit Nottingham, its a great city

Scott Connelly
Who here would l-o-v-e to see Zach do some
stand-up comedy around the country?? C'mon,
yo!! This man's funny...ur FUNNY, Zach -
entertain us with some routines, and we could see
you live and in person!!!!!!! =]

Katie Kopecki
‎"dont worry be happy" lol love

Silvia SiRea Convertini
lol :) :) :)

Anna Supersweetfreak
cool...lol lulu...

Rechebelle Comia Camalig
‎..you are really so cute!!

Reen Charles

Irina Branza
omg...lovely you!

Valentina Diglio

Alayne Littrell
Bobby McFerrin, such a fricken genius.

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