Oxygen Transport

31 Ekim 2010 Pazar, 23:54

929 izlenme


Ardina Pengu
hello to all the doctors of the world and the new

Troy Sammons
I wish I had this when I taught A&P.

Rose Belle

Abdelrahman Mahmoud

Masooma Almajed

Toubib Sez

Subhashini Premaratne
well done!

Elira Mata
v. nice

Mohammad Deges

Mohammad Deges
but i need more of this

Annа ッッ
wow the vidio was so cool!!!!i like

Yuşa Abay

Alketa Rusha
shume e lezeshme kjo video e kishim sa me shume
si keto do na ndihmonin me shume ne shkollen tone

Egle Raulickyte
good material to learn, everything is clear and
interesting to watch. :)

Elira Mata
po ti kishim keshtu materialet gjate shkolles do
ishim bere asa fare!!!! po gjithsesi me mire vone
se kurre :pp

Francisca Nungki Triandari

Admir Husic
ovo je fantasticno

Ansar Ayub
Best visual explanation so far

Mohammad Amro
its really agreat thing to know this thing thats
countinuoasly happens in our body

Sundus Soundoussine
dommage que ces videos là ne soient pas traduit
en plusiurs langues comme le francais

Pedro Matias Asman
Nice video

Altââfäçé الطاف علي
Oxygen supply

Codrina Codru
i think this is how we should be learning at the
faculty...it's easier

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