Palestine Will Be Free - Maher Zain

06 Temmuz 2010 Salı, 10:36

2494 izlenme


Rabie Benchaou
allah bless this land palestine will be free when
the ummah'll free

Daniela Karina Tomé
My friend is so tragic and terrifying, so much
injustice in the world, one in the distance is so
impotent. It's a big pain in the soul.
Humanity is so inhumane.

Enrique Alejandro Herran
Es increible como la sombra de la muerte y la
maldad de los NAZIS, posea los espiritus de
quienes fueron sus principales victimas, que lejos
esta ese mundo que ese gran pensador r llamado
Jesucristo queria enseñar a la humanidad.

Chiraz Mtimet
nchallah tetharer al9ouds رغم وجود
الشر هناك الخير رغم وجود
المشاكل هناك الحل رغم وجود
الفشل هناك النجاح رغم قسوة
الواقع هناك زهرة أمل

Amina Wardi
allah bless you maher i love your sings

Lina Aziz

Khouloud Tbini
ma7leha l4neya rabi m3ahom palestine

Shania Mateo
palestine will be free .that sure

Céline Février
Macha Allah belle chanson , beaucoup d émotions
, Palestine on ne t oublie pas ♥

Mhd Naeim Aljabi
Where multimedia can do miracles? Thank you Maher

Saif Mitho
thx mahen zain you r gift vary nice song for

SoumaYa Lam's perfect^^

İsmt Bşk

Aya Gamal El-Sobhi ت

Irsyad Numan
Palestine, Tomorrow will be free!!!I believe
it!!!Allahu Akbar!!

Afif Lotfi
Palestine,will not go down!!!

Asmae Ayoubi
nice song we must sang that every time with
practis. inshae lah palestine tomorrow will be

Koko Amie
a very nice song,thank you and god bless you

Fandi Nanda
izin ana share ya.........?

Koko Amie
yes,Palestine tomrrow will be free.we'll
pray,we'll give moneylives,blood and it will
be free.

Cihan Koç
Şule Hanım kardeşim, Allah (c.c) razı
olsun...Helallik istemenize gerek yok.Dilediğiniz
kadar paylaşabilir, etiketleme yapabilirsiniz.
Tüm resim ve videolarım paylaşıma ve
etiketlemeye açıktır...

Helmy Itu Aremania
laa tahzan walaa takhof!!inallaaha ma'anaa

Dr.Amr Salah

Oghry Tefaout
palestine will be free in challah

Youcef Ben Khokha
j'aime ce video clip

Le Fier Vagabond
J'aime beaucoup et j'ai partagé !!

Hamdi ► Smaili
jazaka allahou 5ayran ;)

Luss Drouin

Sarah Santilli
insha'allah Amiiinnn

Gabriel Esain
este video que apearece como mio no lo es. esta
muy bueno. Pero no se porque llegan a mi correo
que "tal comento un video tuyo" guaita
lo tosca con FB.

Mustafa Alsayegh
الصراحة مؤثر ووايد رائع

Ed Power

Aisyah Humaira'
please come 2 malaysia

Dwi Djamal
INdonesia also welcoming you. :)

HE-love Peace

Nadouchka Nadou
palestine will be free

Nour Abidi

Rabab For***
olala wwwawwwwwwww

Zineb Najah Najah
demain,la palestine sera libre incha allah

Khalil Rhennou

Adam Here
Will Be Free soon incha allah

Annisa Umie
i really like this song...insyaallah Palestine
will be free. lets pray together.....Allahu

Qurratulayn Bint Abdullah Ahmad
i just love it

Mohammed Salem
thanks for you...........i,m interested by your

Muhammad Hasif Ikhwan Moeid
gaza free!!!!!!!!!

Fandi Nanda
izin ana share ya.........?

Koko Amie
yes,Palestine tomrrow will be free.we'll
pray,we'll give moneylives,blood and it will
be free.

Cihan Koç
Şule Hanım kardeşim, Allah (c.c) razı
olsun...Helallik istemenize gerek yok.Dilediğiniz
kadar paylaşabilir, etiketleme yapabilirsiniz.
Tüm resim ve videolarım paylaşıma ve
etiketlemeye açıktır...

Helmy Ahmed Fuady
laa tahzan walaa takhof!!inallaaha ma'anaa

Dr.Amr Salah

Oghry Tefaout
palestine will be free in challah

Behidja Titoun
j'aime ce video clip

Hamdi Smaili
jazaka allahou 5ayran ;)

Luss Drouin

Sarah Principessa
insha'allah Amiiinnn

Mostafa Al-sayg
الصراحة مؤثر ووايد رائع

Ed Power

Dwi Djamal
INdonesia also welcoming you. :)

HE-love Peace

Nadouchka Nadou
palestine will be free

Brown Sugger

Rabab For***
olala wwwawwwwwwww

Lamiae Sq
Very wonderful song I could just say : BRAVO !

Zainab Najah
demain,la palestine sera libre incha allah

Khalilou Rhennou

Adam Here
Will Be Free soon incha allah

Annisa Umie
i really like this song...insyaallah Palestine
will be free. lets pray together.....Allahu

Mohammed Salem
thanks for you...........i,m interested by your

Muhammad Hasif H
gaza free!!!!!!!!!

Nabil Al-Rubaye

Umaruthman Nasir

Za Sulaiman
Allah always together with...Pllestine will be

Akhi Akhlis
la tahzana palistine...allah..aslways​s

Munir Hakim
insya allah........will be free...........

Lydia Omar

Jiji Aissou
we all belive that Palestine will be free sooner
or later,incha-allah.wonderfu​l
voice,amazing song Maher,thanks to u

Jiji Aissou
........millions and millions times

Vctor Ahmed
i like maher zain very very

Marina Che Mat Nawi
Answered many things....This is my favourite CD.

Mohammed Almansour
in sha allah it wiil be free

Nasarudin Hj Jaafar

Naim Vitnam

Abdou Islem
inchallah will be free

Islam Fathy
Really I HOPE..bUt HOW ??!

Abdou Islem

Marina Che Mat Nawi
Palestine Will Be Free. InshaAllah.In current
situation, war is not a relevant alternative to
solve the problem. Just my opinion, FORGIVE ME if
you dislike mine. Time after time, whether we
notice or not, the recent wars are inappropriate

Sawash Miqdad

Lbatni Shingo

Amina Bm
yes palastine will be free

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