Playing For Change Band: A Change Is Gonna Come (live) [HQ]

26 Aralık 2009 Cumartesi, 21:53

1165 izlenme


Kebirn Rush
Awsome!!! Great work!!!

Daniel Samuelsson
no more war ever!

May S. Cuaycong
Bravo! :)

Yusuf Hasirci
you finish me grandpa

Victor Cocolotl San Pedro
carajo larga vida a estos cristianos se la rifan

Diane Noel

Lori Sheffer

Unai Guevara
Carpe diem

Crystel Kushner
♥ ♥ ♥

Carmen Reyes
omg.. just listening to this.. i can't stop
crying of emotion and happiness... .. simply
just beautiful!

Mimi Alary

Hélène Latour Ramos
Magnifique, c'est tout.

Susan Williamson
Does it get any better? Such emotions, soul, and

Terry Hey
the best lyrics ..........Amazing Song !!!!!

Sara Anne Gordon Schansberg

Ole L. Poulsen
Genuine, or so true, It's get to you heart...

Filipe Augusto Pinto Pinheiro
" Vós sois divindades reais."

Melissa Jordan Ritterbusch
Brought to tears

Kara Thomson
Love this song--a change is gonna come... You show
that you are part making this change happen, and
encourage all of us who witness this moving
performance to be part of this change as well!

Laura Stuart
love love love it!!!

Thomas Segard
un monsieur qui est super est qui jouer de
l’harmonica tros tros bien je dire *** un dieu
de l’harmonica

Theresa G. Thornhill
Awesome. Where's my glass of wine?

Frank Butcher
i wish this tour was coming to the dep south

Slim Chandra-Shekar
Love it!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Philippe Belliard
one of te best songs yet! with "Stand by
me", of course.

Terry Hey
I love this song ........♥ ♥ ♥

Maria Cristina Beron
gracias! me encanta escucharlos!y verlos tambien!

Raluca Andreea Manole
I wish you all could come to Romania!

Nora Zara
....Amazing emotion in the air ....

Roxanne Hatcher
I could listen to this FOREVER..........Amazing ;)

Jennifer Wood Orr
This is awesome.. i wished i could have been there
in person

Connie Richardson

Alvaro Clausen

Miguel Gamero
Esta cancion si que transmite todo su sentimiento.

Paula Gregurek Graves
Love, love these two guys. GREAT!

Faisal Wirakusuma

Deniz Işık

Mary Jo
J'adore simplement cette chanson la!;)

Israel Herrera
Ellos si sin estrellas!!!!

Rhonda Threlkeld
this music makes my heart smile, my eyes weep and
my soul hope.

Diane Hodgson
Just awesome! The best of music!

Christoff Odendaal
Schöne Klänge! Baie mooi Musiek! Beautiful
sentiment combined with beautiful music.

Sue James it!!

Dorival Moreira
love it!!

Fernando Martinez
Simply wonderful!

Bobbi Weehunt
Every time I listen to this I get another image
running through my is pure and simply
amazing what Loving what you do can for
others....THANKS and never stop

Mati Giordano
muy bueno i' argentino

Mati Giordano
this is my song

Andros Prime
en Colombia somos más los que queremos la
paz.............. y hacer musica para esto es lo
más loable que se puede hacer..gracias por
haberse unido y hacernos sentir que somos uno

Sierra Marcuz
amazing!!!! :D

Calvin Marcellus Braxton
Wow!! Yes, yes, yes...............

Grandpa Elliot is THE REAL DEAL

Nola Lee Kelsey
I just *** my CDs today. Very cool!

Paul Williams
Nothing fake or over-produced here - pure joy and
great music

Donna Lewis Hart
Moved-to-tears, soulfully beautiful.

Clifford Kapono
says it all 4 me..............

Johnny Zhang
wish i was there, so beautiful.

Jeremy Williams
One word: beautiful.

i echo the word beautiful.

awesome....I love this project, great work guys.

Robert Bonness
Oh My God! And I*** SO glad I have tix for when
they come to Cleveland Oh.

Luis Marquez
Just Amazing....

Leonie Castelein
zoooo mooi!


So glad to see this one. I've always loved
this song and love Clarence Bekker!!!!

Inspiration in a conflicted world. Thanks Grandpa
and crew, keep reaching

Sani Salim

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