Playing For Change: Song Around The World ''Chanda Mama'' [HQ]

26 Aralık 2009 Cumartesi, 21:52

4243 izlenme


Don Davis
Amazing and beautiful.

Gloria Rodríguez
great voice of Tula ..!! definetely
inspirating..and Stefano from Italy woww..

Angelika Dombrowski

Ludovic Pascal
magnifique ! il ne sert à rien d'être 1
groupe de légende ayant influencé la musique
pour faire des choses formidables et bien plus
utile.tula magnifique voix et et très jolie aussi

Ash Bennette
Received my copy from the website, quick delivery
and its awesome, the DVD is very cool, thanks

Sergio Fernandez Fernandez
Tula es la numero 1 y ademas esta en barcelona.Que
mas se puede pedir????

Christine Dawna Mary Ward
It's***azing how of these different styles of
music blended together so well. I love it!

Christine Dawna Mary Ward
Everyone keeps talking about Tula but I love the
girls in India, in the middle of a field and
voices are beautiful!

Ricardo Garcia
La música es hermosa, y es la misma en todo el
mundo... gracias papá Dios por este gran regalo
que son nuestros oídos, nuestras voces y los
buenos sentimientos.Felicidades a "Playing
For Change" y muchas gracias a ellos

Franco Piatti
muy muy lindo!

Paul Marinello
C'est EXCELLENT !!!!

Pili Cascon
wooooow q geniaaaaaal!!!

Ban Steen
I need the lyrics. Can any native speaker of this
language help me.

Danny Lelièvre
I Don't understand a word of this song but I
feel vibe... Tula is so talented she's *** an
amazing voice... Peace ;o)

Adrien Fery
Magnifique!! Trop de frisson en écoutant ce

Helene Julia

Julia Carro

Marcos Sanchez
Tula is a great singer!! where can i get this song

Vladimir Lebrun
L'album sors bien le 15 juin en France ? On
le trouvera que sur Amazon ou dans le commerce ca
sera possible ?

Emmanuelle Assouan
♥ ♥ J'adore, Tula a une voix
vraiment magnifique

Luisricardo Lainez
one of the best songs on the album

Ephy Musique
muy buena canción, muy buen video. GREAT GREAT

Guneet Sachdeva
THE BEST.......

Enrique Callejas Hernandez
demaciado talento, me encanta este tipo de
proyectos, gente linda, ... mucho exito !!!!
saludos mundo enterooooooo

Beatriz Elba Merinero Machin
solicito idioma español

Tressie Saupagna
the best song!

Mimi Geremew
Fantastic song!!

Laurence Liardet
superbe !! encore !

Lucas La Fata

Clare Scott
I love this song. Where can I get a transcript
and translation of the lyrics?

Goulven Brient
Encore une réussite merci

Ravi Gill
I would really like to know what they are saying
too....great song one of my favorites. Love it!!

Milena Astorga
Me encanta aunque no entienda una palabra de lo
que estan diciendo!!! That's the magic of

Carmen Slane Mendoza
sale mi novio el de sin banderaaaa....magnifica
cancion aunque no le entiendo!!! esta genial

Maurilia Carrabba Carraud

Cameron Tretter
I really like that song, along with the rest of

Aravind Kakarala
beautiful. listening to this telugu song from
musicians around the world is***azing. all the
songs are awesome

Gemma Boyce
Alguien sabe cual es el significado de la letra de
esta cancion? Lo he estado buscando y no lo
encuentro, es una cancion muy alegre, no puedo
dejar de escucharla, es mi favorita.

Gianni Guidi

Timothy Samuels
That was vary Cool !!!!!!!!!!! :)

Youssef MiriGue

Kawtar Touil
wonderful world!!!!great (voice , music,
originality.) jaim bcp

Kara Thomson
Este es mi favorita de todas las canciones de su
grupo. Es alegre y impresionante a la vez.
Gracias!This is my favorite of all your
group's songs. It is both happy and moving.
Thank you!

Maria Cristina Beron

Lu Pontano

Claudia Armenuhi Sarkissian
divino!!! sweet :))

Claudia Veronica Perez Cervantes

Greg Smith
I think I*** in love with Tula!

Clearly the Playing for Change guys are.

Jorge Andres Martinez
Welcome to the club Greg...

Fran Obert Jr
so bummed... i can never play any songs--when i
click on arrow all i get it to is

Chris Jamieson
playing for change has some of the greatest

Abelardo Medenilla
thx for the links. these tide me over while
waiting for my CD

My favorite parts of these videos are the children
playing in the background - so adorable!

Doesn't she? I listen to this one over and
over and over on my iPod in my car. I've
been trying to find more by Tula but so
far.....can't find anything!

Tula is glowing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greg Smith
Tula's real name is Tal ben Ari if that helps
find her music. It is***azing how the songs,
their simple messages and the beautiful people
that create them make your heart take wing@

Sundar Thapaliya
Tula is beautiful!!!

i love this whole album.. it is awsome!

Blake DeRoss

Hector Pachas
Now I have reason to go to Israel !

Thank you, Tim - her voice is***azing.

Greg Smith
Tula (Tal ben Ari) also has some music on Youtube.

Patrick McCann
she is definately some one who has been blessed
with a great singing voince!!!

Love this movement! The music is so peaceful in
spirit yet so happy in its beat.

each song and video get better and better!!

My dad bought me the CD/DVD set from Starbucks.

Andrew Atkin
I so love this, how cool is this to
bring people from all over the world together in
peace and harmony!

Neil Chasan
Love Tula~!!

Irma Murguia
Music is peace!!!Music is love!!!

Leana Walczak-Iverson
How can you not smile while listening to this! :)

Raghu Chaitanya Mandalika
Lyrics in my language.... I simply love
it....!!music superb!! intention and purpose
motivating... :)

Love this....Thankyou xoxo

Greg Selig
Music is truly Universal, collaborations like this
can help move us all toward a better place

Michael Oscarson Guevara

I love it! "Chanda Mama" is awesome!

Jan Zimmerman
Totally awesome. My fav is probably Grandpa but I
love them all.

Rex Blevins
I would like too meet Tula in person great voice
and all of the singers great voices i have the dvd
like it very much

Yubaraj Poudel
wauw , beautiful music !!!! love it love it ...

Genfi Simplement

Clem Et Alex
I really love this song... and all the other
!Thank you ! ♥

Armando Sanchez Bastian
La magia de la música, armonizando los
sentimientos de PAZ de los pueblos y las personas.
Maravillosos artistas, impecable producción.

Romain Soutric
Super la musique et la chanson !! J'aime
beaucoup TULA !!

Fabiana Peñaloza
cuanta belleza!!!!

Trisha Bur***
this is AWESOME!

Jose Rp
sencillamente me pone los pelos de punta es puro
sentimiento geniales

Ulisses Teixeira
thank you

Martin Surasky
Amazing... unbelievable... thanks, thanks, thanks!

Raghavendra Rao
This is it.. it is this moment that should run
through everybodys' soul... I have realized
the spirit in which this magnicificant piece of
art and song has been made... I know Telugu (the
language in this song).. and tears of joy swept my
cheeks... no words to describe the boundless and
unexplained joy - simply overwhelming... and im
not exaggerating... trust me...Raghavendra Rao -
Hyderabad / India.

Raghavendra Rao
the telugu lyrics have following meaningChanda
mama raavayya : Moon please comeNannu yetthukoni
muddhuladi povayya : Hold me and kiss me and
goMaraalu nenenni chesina : Thou I always sulked
and made petty demandsGaaralyu neeve chupina: YOu
always returned your TLC (tender loving care) and
pampered me

Roberto Murrieta Segovia

Tschenno Tschenett
toooooooo beautiful!I always become a happyness
feeling when I listen this song

Olivier Favory
de l'espoir some hope for humanity

Domingos Ambrosio
Damn ... What a Great Voice from TULA !

Amir Mimo
great really wow)))))

Ruben Z. Martinez
muy bien!

Mary Theresa O'Connor Renzi
just loving it

Claude Garrigou
Excellent!!! Remplaçons les armes par les notes
de musique.

Allen Yu
good music....

Jacque Christy
This gal has a great voice... very clear...

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