Press Hop 2 - Extended Version [HQ]

09 Eylül 2010 Perşembe, 17:00

638 izlenme


Blake Molina
Saw this on the show today, LOVE IT. When they
said DJ Steve Porter, I thought of the "Rap
Chop". Check out his other stuff on YouTube,
if you like this, you'll love it.

Jonathan Franqui
I love this clip but where could I find the first

Shane McMahon
More conferences and interviews than the 1st one.
Both are fantastic. When's #3 coming out?

Martin Gamboa
is it me or does he make fun of lebron alot
during the beginning of the vid

Bryan Clark
Marv Levy saying shut up cracks me up every time.

Courtneyy Harris
lol ! great video

Jonathan Lagonigro
this is the greatest thing ever made

Pedrito Rodriguez
this video is great sportsnation is the best

Dylan Wyatt
put your name on it

Glen Shinn
love it...R.I.P. Lorenzen Wright

Al Lopez
This Is The Shit !!

Cody Tyler
this is great but now for some reason i wanna put
my name on my house

Raul Luar
God bless sportsnation!!

Andrew Carlson
Steve Porter ***in rocks and sportsnation is the
greatest show ever.

Elaine D Williams

David Holguin
I Loved it!!!!

Nick Toth
hahaahhaahha great video

Natalie Galdos

Greg Knowles
im happy to be back

Richard L
dizzzzzayummmmmm dope song, dope everything!!!!!

Blake Price
i dont like this!!!!!!!!!!!... I LOVE IT!!!!!!

Cameron Corley
im gonna take my talents to south beach... to be
a terrible role mode but still

Aldioumx Floyd

Tim Kosko
This is great

Nathaniel Scroggins
‎"Be a man...put your name to it!"
America's life coach, Herman Edwards.

Anthony Smith

Toby Ray Farris Jr.
hollywood hollywood hollywood

Brian Quinn
the best

Johnny Jorgensen
idk any ....... to come off the bench

Samuel Shaylor
takin my talents to south beachbe a man put your
name on iti don't know any allstar to come
off the benchhollywood hollywoodl

Samuel Shaylor
shut up

Kwanza Robinson Jr.
Im D@#n frickin tired of all this S*&t

Chris Reisiger
I built this and this is my house

Seth Donohoe
kiss my @ss

Chris Reisiger
i dont know any mvp that comes off the bench

Nate Shelton-Zaragoza
‎"To be a" "Terrible"
"Role model"

Nate Shelton-Zaragoza
And that beat is raw too!

Jhosped Dufflart
This song is my new ringtone

David Joseph Hans

Gage Blakeley

Tristan Hamlin

Klayton Williams
It my ringtone to.Haha

Brett Whitely
how doyou get it as your ringtone?

Heriberto García

Gaby Gonzalez
best video ever

Levi Tebow Bertschi
love the beginning!

Brian Quinn
it rock!

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