02 Nisan 2011 Cumartesi, 02:27

1172 izlenme


Johnny Hollywood
its about time gary oldmen did a movie

Amber DeCapua
Can't wait to see it!

Keith Frederick Robinson
‎"Unlike" due to Pg-13 rating.

Maria Ruiz
cant help it, it!!! are ya
afraid........yaeh its like twilight two....

Matthew Armani
I wanna see it.

Delilah Harris
Need a Shiloh Fernandez Role player!!

Katarzyna Koscielniak
I wanna see it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny Swan
dude the guy nearly looked like edward but then i
notice the few qualities he was built!

Schantal Herrera
i want to see it badly

Terry Meeks
it's prolly best to rent it from
redbox,battle of LA comes out the same day.

Jefferson Lafferty
can not excited about this

Dan Kim
Enter for a chance to win a VIP trip to Hollywood,
a VIP tour of Warner Bros. studio, 2 tickets to
see Red Riding Hood, and a $500 gift card to Red
Mango: Frozen Yogurt & Smoothies! Just click

Gabriele Wøød
its not loading for me...ugh..ill keep trying or
is it over already?

Gabriele Wøød
i see 2 sweepstakes on 2 facebook fan pages and
both wont load...

Kristie Brinks
NIN really?! I HATE that song!! It ruins the
trailer having a mundane, overplayed, song like
that. It doesn't even fit with the movie. Who
even thought of that song?! I did like Fever Ray
though, adds to the feel of the movie.

Sonya Kathleen Lee
ooooo! i really want to see!

Khristine Louder 丰
awesome trailer...xD

Stephanie Driver
Can't wait to see! :D

Doris Xu
watched it already!!!!!!! but i cant tell u what
happened sry

Sita Conrad
was it good

Angelena Fox-Francisco
wants to see it....

Jess Vanity
i have to see this movie now! my friends told me
about it, so i saw the trailer, and i*** SOOOO

GrAcey KittEll
i love this movie...its***azing!

Ani Ivailova
the movie is great indeed

Emma Cottoncandy Martin
omg i want to see it

Ruby Adame
i saw it, awesome movie :)

Daniel Allen
can't wait to see this movie

Mai Zara
i watch it .. in the end was soooo funny !

Katelyn Newman
when does it come out

Maren Beuth
Still I have to wait for it for four weeks ... I
want to see it >O<

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