18 Temmuz 2010 Pazar, 08:00

1322 izlenme


Megan Barns-Libkuman
Im very much in love w/him but I'm kinda
biass to Kristen, not a big fan of this Emilie...

Allie Talbot
I CAN:T Wait to see this film HE is a WONDERFUL
Actor!!! AMAZING! I wish I could meet him!

Taylor Tipton ッ
i want to see this movie so freakin bad!!!!!!!

Karen Enselay
i want to see this..NOW!!

Jamie Creger
he is so captivating...the depth of his voice
sends chills down my spine :) Though I love his
British accent

VerOnica Gomez Acuña
awww so cute !! ♥

Tonya Maslonka Moreno
Hopefully this movie will help me get over Little
Ashes....good movie, and he was really good in it,
but it almost ruined his hotness for me. :)
Almost. Can't wait to see this one!

Anna Karenina Baroga Capule
someone's been trying to tell me
something!watch this movie,oh i get it!

Bridgette Pannill Logghe
This film looks Awesome. I love the actor.

Salma Ahmed
what an***azing actor he is brilliant in any part
he plays he is handsome,goodlooking,and smart what
else can we ask for from an actor

Salma Ahmed
he is so different than any other actor that we
have seen before the way he acts and the way he
expresses his feelings is***azing for me he is
number 1

Antonia Or Toni Fenech
It looks to be a really good movie

Sydney Humphress
OMG!!! i can't wait!!!

Sara Ferracin

Caitlin Riggs
i love robert pattenson and cant wait to see this

Tara Rose Seigworth
Cant wait for Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, or this to
come out! AHHH, he is so hot :)

Calli Stonecipher
ok rpattz is gay and a bad actor, but it sounds
like a good movie...

Brianna Moore
OMG hes SOOOOO hot RTP is a good actor

Victoria Arispe
cant wait to see it...

Rocio Carricaburu
mio dio è troppo bello!!!! HERMOSOOOOOO TE AMO

Miranda Benoit
every time i see him my heart goes crazy!! god he
is cool beautiful!!!!!!

Alana Jaclyn
OMG i just found out how it ends...and now some
of the scenes in the trailer make soo much more
sense...all i have to say is make sure u bring
lots of tissues...u are going to need it.

Nikha Lynn Advincula-Labro
wots d ending?! im so anxious about it...

Felicia Gokool
i love what he said about people from New York
City..."they bond with their city.." so
true. it's just beautiful.

Katrina Kovach
After seeing this I'm hooked *** to see this
movie both great actors and I'm always for a
good romance

Abeer Osama
i want to see it they r both hncredible

Amber Siero
DON'T RUIN THE ENDING!!!!!!!!!!! And
besides, it's not the ending that counts,
it's the journey taken that gets you there
which is important. It was an AMAZING MOVIE AND I
WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I
can't remember the last time I've ever
been THIS ATTACHED to characters in a

Alishia Bell
rob pattinson says a quote in the movie something
about the people who touch our lives leave
fingerprints or something like that does anyone
know the quote?

Analyn Arreglado
cant wait to watch this!

Pattinson Robert
Robert Pattinson was more handsome in the

Xava Kuliyeva
AWESOME movie!!!!!! :)

Mariana Santos
Does anyone knows what is the name of the singer
who appears when the the girl is in her bedroom
before going out for the firt time whit him?

Josy Blank

Ddamulira Francis
would love to watch this one seems to be nice

Kateřina Dvorská
please, does anyone know the name of the first
song in this trailer?? it´s about 0:27 ..thx

Sarah くる
breathe me by Sia

Kateřina Dvorská
no, it´s only guitar,,time 0:27

Sarah Marcovitz
Katerina, not sure if this is was your talking
about....chemical brothers.. dream on

Katie Leung Diggory
I don't like,,, it's girl...,,,

Tuba Akar ૪
I'll watch it now. (:

Esra Sönmez
dont like emilie cese

David Ayers
Dark and romantic. I was expecting something big
in the end and wow...very shocking. Very sad
ending. ={ Robert Pattinson ROCKS. He is such a
good actor. =}

Karen Enselay
i want to see this..NOW!!

'Bahar Olmz
bu fiLmi iLk izLyenLerden bri Olac***ma yemin

Jamie Creger
he is so captivating...the depth of his voice
sends chills down my spine :) Though I love his
British accent

VerOnica Gomez Acuña
awww so cute !! ♥

Tonya Moreno
Hopefully this movie will help me get over Little
Ashes....good movie, and he was really good in it,
but it almost ruined his hotness for me. :)
Almost. Can't wait to see this one!

Anna Karenina Baroga Capule
someone's been trying to tell me
something!watch this movie,oh i get it!

Bridgette Pannill
This film looks Awesome. I love the actor.

Jordan Skouson
Wow. This is like the most pitiful thing I've
ever seen. What a horrible actor. Can't the
movie makers come up with something better?
it's not like we haven't seen a movie
exactly like this one before. We aren't
stupid. At least some of us aren't.

Salma Ahmed
what an***azing actor he is brilliant in any part
he plays he is handsome,goodlooking,and smart what
else can we ask for from an actor

Salma Ahmed
he is so different than any other actor that we
have seen before the way he acts and the way he
expresses his feelings is***azing for me he is
number 1

Antonia Or Toni Fenech
It looks to be a really good movie

Sydney Jaylen Humphress
OMG!!! i can't wait!!!

Sara Ferracin

Katie BloodedJewel Riggs
i love robert pattenson and cant wait to see this

Tara Rose Seigworth
Cant wait for Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, or this to
come out! AHHH, he is so hot :)

Calli Stonecipher
ok rpattz is gay and a bad actor, but it sounds
like a good movie...

Briana Alexis Bieberlover
OMG hes SOOOOO hot RTP is a good actor

Victoria Arispe
cant wait to see it...

Rocio Carricaburu Fontana
mio dio è troppo bello!!!! HERMOSOOOOOO TE AMO

Miranda Benoit
every time i see him my heart goes crazy!! god he
is cool beautiful!!!!!!

Alana Jaclyn Fleischman
OMG i just found out how it ends...and now some of
the scenes in the trailer make soo much more
sense...all i have to say is make sure u bring
lots of tissues...u are going to need it.

Akkin Nyl Advincula-Labro
wots d ending?! im so anxious about it...

Felicia Gokool
i love what he said about people from New York
City..."they bond with their city.." so
true. it's just beautiful.

Katrina Kovach
After seeing this I'm hooked *** to see this
movie both great actors and I'm always for a
good romance

Abeer Osama
i want to see it they r both hncredible

Amber Siero
DON'T RUIN THE ENDING!!!!!!!!!!! And besides,
it's not the ending that counts, it's
the journey taken that gets you there which is
important. It was an AMAZING MOVIE AND I WANT TO
SEE IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!! I
can't remember the last time I've ever
been THIS ATTACHED to characters in a

Margaret Harry
i love that movie

Alishia Bell
rob pattinson says a quote in the movie something
about the people who touch our lives leave
fingerprints or something like that does anyone
know the quote?

Analyn Arreglado
cant wait to watch this!

Erni Pattinson
Robert Pattinson was more handsome in the twilight

Xava Guliyeva
AWESOME movie!!!!!! :)

Mariana Moura
Does anyone knows what is the name of the singer
who appears when the the girl is in her bedroom
before going out for the firt time whit him?

Josy Blank

Ddamulira Francis
would love to watch this one seems to be nice

Kateřina Dvorská
please, does anyone know the name of the first
song in this trailer?? it´s about 0:27 ..thx

Sarah Elizabeth
breathe me by Sia

Kateřina Dvorská
no, it´s only guitar,,time 0:27

Sarah Marcovitz
Katerina, not sure if this is was your talking
about....chemical brothers.. dream on

NandHa RamoNaw WibhLey Part II
I don't like,,, it's girl...,,,

Tuba Akar
I'll watch it now. (:

Esra Sönmez
dont like emilie cese

David Ayers
Dark and romantic. I was expecting something big
in the end and wow...very shocking. Very sad
ending. ={ Robert Pattinson ROCKS. He is such
a good actor. =}

Wello Kanoun
very nice & romance movie

Lena Heerz
That´s nice.! I looove him .! x3

Leonor Sebastiao
i love robert and this film too !!!!!!! ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥

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