Rob on The Ellen Show *part1* [HQ]

10 Haziran 2010 Perşembe, 18:10

1011 izlenme


Sonia's DLife
thks !!^_^

Marine Didierlaurent
OMG what a haircut !

Perla Castro
haha :3 roob *-*!

Sarah Sasha Fontaine
I just See it too !! The aussie girl was so funny!

Karina Bahia
mi anor esta hermoso....

Inur Er
Actually he s kindda hot wth his newhaircut..:))

Abir A. Ayoub
his hair is a lot better than I imagined it...he
looks so young !

Anissa Elias
is hair is looking damn fine, can he get any

Mandy Hutchins
OMG OMG sooooo hottttttt and his laugh, i could
die ♥

Brittany Wakefield
i love his voice and his hair....his body is
fine....ellen just tears him apart

Traci May

Nilanjana Banerjee
luv rob wid his new cut....♥♥♥wonder how cn
sum1 be so hot!!!!!

Elvan Gürler
çok dadlı tipi ı love you robb

Melike Kabasakal
offff!! yakıo yha!

Cait Panczner
love his haircut!! so ***y!

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