Robin Hood - The Man Behind the Legend [HD]

01 Temmuz 2010 Perşembe, 10:25

1159 izlenme


Tom Finsdal
I had my second viewing of this film today
…just love it!! :) :) :)

Tony Streams
Looks good might see it

Shelia Caggiano
Thank you for providing this trailer of the movie
Robin Hood

Annelie Swanepoel du Plessis
Dis nou wat ek noem...hmmmmnnnnn

John 'Ragnar' Joyner
Michael Praed & Jason Connery in Robin of
Sherwood are my favourites. I collect Robin Hood
books & films and*** looking forward to this.
Wish someone would make a film based on the
original ballads though. There was no Tuck or
Marion, they were later additions to the legend.

Osman Faruk Yıldırım
bu adamı seviyrum bu yönetmeni seviyorum.oyuncu
bu bu işte..

Stacy Yeomans
Can't wait to see this... plus my boyfriend
was one of the extras in the beach scenes :)

Liz Earley
I*** looking forward to going to see this film

Katrina Nicole
I want to be Maid Marian ! she gets to kick butt
and take Robin's chain mail off ! Lucky girl

Hood Hj Abdullah
like it...

Cath Rault
We need him now!

Euan Joiner
I'm looking forward to Russell's
different version of Gladiator!

Emanuele Muto
Se solo minimamente si avvicinerà al gladiatore
sarà un film bellissimo...

Kostas Koukkoullis
cant wait

Rab 'honeynut' Mckenzie
Hes soooooooooo ***y!!!

Mpumelelo Feral-Imp Khuzwayo
i*** not going to compare it to gladiator.

Everton Rollins
Just what the world needs...another Robin Hood

Claudia Lerma

Clara Giuliani
I love Robin Hood! Sopratutto QUESTO Robin
Hood!" sono stata spiegata"?

Clara Giuliani
battutacce a parte, non riesco a vedere i video,
questo aumenta la curiosità. andrò certamente al
cinema e come me tanti altri. ne sono sicura!

Asia Treit
Zapowiada się kolejny mistrz ;-)))))))))))

Djstorm Gh
this movie is the best can't wait to watch

Simone Lanzotti
Meraviglioso. Mi accamperò innanzi al cinema, la
sera della prima.

Gregor Rajšek
I hardly wait that it comes in the Slovenia
cinemas :-)

Louise Johnson
i cannot wait to see this movie,russel crowe and
ridley scott the ultimate film pair.

Claudia Balan
First it was Kevin Costner and now Russell Crow,
wow! That is a very nice Mother's Day gift
for all us young Moms and we are young. lol

Tobias Ziegler
From what I can see, this interpretation of the
legend that is Robin Hood is unquestionably the
finest ever made.

Imran Alam
its my favorite movie.............

Christopher Gfx Pierre
I hope this movie gonna be good.

Robin Bowen
I love this movie, too!! I grew up with Robin

Mehmet Veli Ulaş
Russel Crowe tarihi filimlerin bir numaralı
aktörü. Gladiatör 2001 de oskarı yerle bir
etmiş ödüllü bir filmdi. 2004 te bir boksörü
ve savaş yıllarında yaşdığı trajediyi
anlatan cinderalla men de en az Gladiator kadar
iyiydi. Robin Hood fil...mi de bir çok kereler
sinema perdelerine geldiği halde Russel Crowe
yeni bir can vermiş olmalı filme. Aktörün
Akıl Oyunları filmide oskarlı bir baş yapıt.
Bununla birlikte bir narkotik savcısını
canlandırdığı American Gangister de de
aslında baş rolde olan kişi Russel Crowe
dir.Robin Hood 14 Mayıs sinemalarda İyi

Sarah Farr
A brilliantfilm,the cast are supurb,one of my fav
films this yr so far,

Paula Denver Hospitalized Veterans
This is going to be such a good movie, can't
wait to see it !!! :)

Rosy Jiron
Looking forward to see this MOVIE!

Ahamed Sabry
it's a good movie i looking forward to see

Mohamed Selemia
this ture robin hood

Forrest Brown
I*** very excited to this movie!! It opens this
Friday, and I*** going with my 2 friends Jonathan
and McKenzie to see it, Friday night.

Louisa Silva

Saygın Ateş ℂ⋆
Rise and rise again until lambs become lions!

Robbin Hood
hi,im robin hood,add me

Caleb Kemp
BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zulfikar Chen-she
saya senang dengan film robin hood

Mostafa Gamal
i like tihs and Gladiator me egyption!

Alexandra Steelos
I just *** facebook this afternoon - late
bloomer, I know. Anyway, I'm looking for
friends with similar interests. If you love movies
(and this one, Robin Hood, looks great), then
please add me.

Tom Finsdal
I had my second viewing of this film today …just
love it!! :) :) :)

Tony Streams
Looks good might see it

Shelia Caggiano
Thank you for providing this trailer of the movie
Robin Hood

Annelie Swanepoel du Plessis
Dis nou wat ek noem...hmmmmnnnnn

John 'Ragnar' Joyner
Michael Praed & Jason Connery in Robin of
Sherwood are my favourites. I collect Robin Hood
books & films and*** looking forward to this.
Wish someone would make a film based on the
original ballads though. There was no Tuck or
Marion, they were later additions to the legend.

Stacy Yeomans
Can't wait to see this... plus my boyfriend
was one of the extras in the beach scenes :)

Liz Earley
I*** looking forward to going to see this film

Katrina Nicole
I want to be Maid Marian ! she gets to kick butt
and take Robin's chain mail off ! Lucky girl

Hood Hj Abdullah
like it...

Cath Rault
We need him now!

Emanuele Muto
Se solo minimamente si avvicinerà al gladiatore
sarà un film bellissimo...

Kostas Koukkoullis
cant wait

Rab 'honeynut' Mckenzie
Hes soooooooooo ***y!!!

Mpumelelo Khuzwayo
i*** not going to compare it to gladiator.

Everton Rollins
Just what the world needs...another Robin Hood

Claudia Lerma

Clara Giuliani
I love Robin Hood! Sopratutto QUESTO Robin
Hood!" sono stata spiegata"?

Clara Giuliani
battutacce a parte, non riesco a vedere i video,
questo aumenta la curiosità. andrò certamente al
cinema e come me tanti altri. ne sono sicura!

Asia Treit
Zapowiada się kolejny mistrz ;-)))))))))))

Djstorm Gh
this movie is the best can't wait to watch it

Simone De Bergerac Lanzotti
Meraviglioso. Mi accamperò innanzi al cinema, la
sera della prima.

Gregor Rajšek
I hardly wait that it comes in the Slovenia
cinemas :-)

Sara Sal

Louise Johnson
i cannot wait to see this movie,russel crowe and
ridley scott the ultimate film pair.

Claudia Balan
First it was Kevin Costner and now Russell Crow,
wow! That is a very nice Mother's Day gift
for all us young Moms and we are young. lol

Shain Ellison Thomas
From what I can see, this interpretation of the
legend that is Robin Hood is unquestionably the
finest ever made.

Imran Alam
its my favorite movie.............

Chris Pierre
I hope this movie gonna be good.

Robin Bowen
I love this movie, too!! I grew up with Robin

Sarah Farr
A brilliantfilm,the cast are supurb,one of my fav
films this yr so far,

Ivah Nuñez
i can't wait!

Paula Denver Hospitalized Veterans
This is going to be such a good movie, can't
wait to see it !!! :)

Rosy Jiron
Looking forward to see this MOVIE!

Ahamed Sabry
it's a good movie i looking forward to see it

Mohamed Selima
this ture robin hood

Forrest Brown
I*** very excited to this movie!! It opens this
Friday, and I*** going with my 2 friends Jonathan
and McKenzie to see it, Friday night.

Louisa Silva

Saygın Ateş
Rise and rise again until lambs become lions!

Robbin Hood
hi,im robin hood,add me

Caleb Kemp
BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zulfikar Uciha Sasuke
saya senang dengan film robin hood

Teefa Gamal
i like tihs and Gladiator me egyption!

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