Robin Hood - Trailer [HD]

05 Ağustos 2010 Perşembe, 09:00

1552 izlenme


Pam Proctor Grimes
cant wait. saw a lot of this filming and it looks

Kellie Gothard
Love me some Crowe! :D

Shannon Campbell
can't wait to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joana Cotar
Loveeee it! Something to crowe about .. :D

Ben Rackley
i cant wait to see robin in action.....

Deea Paris
don't u guys just LOVE the last scene?

Rebecca Eisenhuth
If Crowe is 1/2 as good as he was in Gladiator
this movie will be a winner! Looking forward to

Nathan Redding
This movie is going to be the boss

Adel Avosirius Ayo
I love anything Robin Hood and Gladiator, this is
a perfect marriage.

Rose Wade
Russell is the *BEST*. May is too long to wait!

Frank Suhai
Gladiator meets Robin Hood, Hell Ya!

Puneet Sharma
Boss the duo of ridley scott and russel crowe is

Cynthia M Clarke
Deaf Access Films is excited about Robin Hood!
Looking forward to opening day release with
CAPTIONS for Deaf and hard of hearing. How about
adding a captioned trailer to your video page?
Thank you!

Robert Beaudoin
Looks EXCELLENT!!I want to see him cast in the
role of R Rogers of the Rogers rangers during the
F&I wars.....I cannot see another actor having
the stones to do the part well.Great actor!!!!

Jordan E. Davis
Spectacular! Ridley and Crowe strike again!

Pajtim Hasani
hmm, Rusell Crowe playing mr. Hood, unexpected
for me. He doesn't fit his face with other
previous Hoood actors, like long to medium hair
more skiny, like an original late medieaval guy,
however we'll see it. It will be great
I'm sure.

Daniel Mario Cason III
so I (in my humble opinion) think that Russell
Crowe as a dark,gritty and bloody version of Robin
Hood with director Ridley Scott(American Gangster
, Gladiator Black Hawk Down) makes for a great
movie!! i mean the poster for the movie is in its own.This actually reminds me of
when they did a re-boot of the James Bond series,
as they made Bond like stylish and funny and made
him more violent. what you *** was a great film
and of the best made in the Bond series. and that
was done with no real big names...But since the
last Robin hood film was made in like the 90s im
sure they may just go and revamp the way we see
Robin Hood totally.As for Robin Hood now, from
what i've read and seen in the Trailer, i
must admit i*** very excited to see how Russell
Crowe portrays Robin Hood. and lets not forget
about Cate Blanchett who seems to play the lead
female in the film,she will do just as must
justice to her portrayal of her character as well.
And with fellow friend and Academy Award Winning
Director Ridley Scott running the show i have high
hopes that its going to be something special. Top
5 most anticipated films of the year for me.See

Susie Russell-Melendez
Russell Crowe PERFECTLY cast as Robin Hood!

Tanner Johnson
when i saw this advertising i thought it was
gonna be a like behind the story to
gladiator....... i dont think he fits the
characteristics of robin becuz ive seen the series
on bbca i think the should of used jonas armstrong
but of course its only my opinion and i will still
go see it i hope i'm not dissapointed

Donna Shanklin
Why aren't there any shots of the Sheriff of
Nottingham - Isn't Matthew Macfadyen playing
the Sheriff? Hope the movie has a bit of the comic
turn like the Jonas Armstrong Robin Hood had --
though you can't beat Guy Gisborne. Of
course, this Robin Hood seems to have a bit of the
Gladiator in the promos.

Tait Haslam
Tanner your crazy Russel Crowe will be absolutely
amazing in this movie and will make it one of the
best movies this year

Simon Laplante
Of course !, Ridley Scott and Russel always make
the best epic movies. If you have not already
watched Kingdom of Heaven, I recommend you watch
it before Robin Hood comes out !

Pam Proctor Grimes
cant wait. saw a lot of this filming and it looks

Kellie Gothard
Love me some Crowe! :D

Shannon Campbell
can't wait to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joana Cotar
Loveeee it! Something to crowe about .. :D

Ben Rackley
i cant wait to see robin in action.....

Deea Paris
don't u guys just LOVE the last scene?

Rebecca Eisenhuth
If Crowe is 1/2 as good as he was in Gladiator
this movie will be a winner! Looking forward to

Samuel Delgado
I Love Cate Blanchett

Nathan Redding
This movie is going to be the boss

Audrey le Tenier
can't wait to see it. love Crowe in action :)

Adel Ayo
I love anything Robin Hood and Gladiator, this is
a perfect marriage.

RobinHood AutismFoundation
Russell is the *BEST*. May is too long to wait!

Frank Suhai
Gladiator meets Robin Hood, Hell Ya!

Bull's Eye
Boss the duo of ridley scott and russel crowe is

Scott Lambert

Cynthia M Clarke
Deaf Access Films is excited about Robin Hood!
Looking forward to opening day release with
CAPTIONS for Deaf and hard of hearing. How about
adding a captioned trailer to your video page?
Thank you!

Gordon Fall
Gonna be awesome can't wait!!!!!

Robert Beaudoin
Looks EXCELLENT!!I want to see him cast in the
role of R Rogers of the Rogers rangers during the
F&I wars.....I cannot see another actor having
the stones to do the part well.Great actor!!!!

Yoan Alexandrov
I can't wait to see it.

Grace Harbour
Cynthia. this trailer is all music.

Schatzi Tmk
I*** sure it 'll be an***azing film

Jordan Edward Davis
Spectacular! Ridley and Crowe strike again!

Pajtim Hasani
hmm, Rusell Crowe playing mr. Hood, unexpected for
me. He doesn't fit his face with other
previous Hoood actors, like long to medium hair
more skiny, like an original late medieaval guy,
however we'll see it. It will be great
I'm sure.

Daniel Mario Cason III
so I (in my humble opinion) think that Russell
Crowe as a dark,gritty and bloody version of Robin
Hood with director Ridley Scott(American Gangster
, Gladiator Black Hawk Down) makes for a great
movie!! i mean the poster for the movie is gr...

Susie Russell-Melendez
Russell Crowe PERFECTLY cast as Robin Hood!

Tanner Johnson
when i saw this advertising i thought it was gonna
be a like behind the story to gladiator....... i
dont think he fits the characteristics of robin
becuz ive seen the series on bbca i think the
should of used jonas armstrong but of course its
only my opinion and i will still go see it i hope
i'm not dissapointed

Donna Shanklin
Why aren't there any shots of the Sheriff of
Nottingham - Isn't Matthew Macfadyen playing
the Sheriff? Hope the movie has a bit of the comic
turn like the Jonas Armstrong Robin Hood had --
though you can't beat Guy Gisborne. Of
course, this Robin Hood seems to have a bit of the
Gladiator in the promos.

Tait Haslam
Tanner your crazy Russel Crowe will be absolutely
amazing in this movie and will make it one of the
best movies this year

Krista Danielle Eddy
Tait, I agree.

Simon Laplante
Of course !, Ridley Scott and Russel always make
the best epic movies. If you have not already
watched Kingdom of Heaven, I recommend you watch
it before Robin Hood comes out !

Tove Annie Vangen
my my i*** so happy:)

Tove Annie Vangen
my my i*** so happy:)

Tove Annie Vangen
my my i*** so happy:)

Tove Annie Vangen
my my i*** so happy:)

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