Sade___I Couldn t Love You More [HQ]

03 Eylül 2010 Cuma, 18:50

453 izlenme


Gilda Fontaine
Sade on ne s'en lasse jamais!!!

Theresa L Marshall

Sia Akbary
albate axs fekr mikonam 1978 bashe, dar Tehran in
axs hame ja bud, but she is still lovely BUT after
make up ... looool x x

Syrine Ben Youssef
ahh cette chanson !!! Je l'adorais ♥ merci

Angel Lovewar
i love this song (and all others), for me, Sade
have a realy love's voice, when i listening
her, i'm remember many beautiful moments of
my life. Merveilleux souvenirs et voix inoubliable
!! thanks ♥♥♥

Ali Celen

Gladys Triviños Salazar

Doris Triviños Salazar
Sade beautiful song....♥

Lotfi Louhichi
So successful, but doesn't like fame.

Birgitt Birke
music for good moments :-)

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