Sami Yusuf - Wherever You Are (Album Preview) [HD]

20 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi, 13:09

2721 izlenme


Khairul Rijal El-limauy

M*** Nabil Kandil
i like it soooooooooooo much

Lisa Sullivan
i love it very good!

Sara Fernandez
holaa hermano , bien venido al islam , me gustan
tus canciones , son verdaderamente buenisimos y
muy relajantes , que dios te vendiga y te proteja
hermano sami yousef , alah yahdak w zid bik kodam
inchaalah ,

Afiq Haiqal
i love it

Miraculous Mir
everY1 Luv's it .!!! itS dA One of dA bEst
sOngS oF SAmI i hve heard .sOme bEatIfuLL LineS oF
WheneVer You Are .Wherever yOu Are I’ll find yOu
CAuse yOu’re the One I turn tOWherever yOu be
I’ll be with yOu...CAuse yOu’re the One my
heArt is tOI need yOu!!!!! i lUv iT . MaY ALLAh
bLESS U . SAMI!! frOm sAm

Fatima Ali Ahmed
very nice and beautifull album

Miraculous Mir
yeAh nO dOubt!!!

Mima Magix
very nice, love it

Marwa Ashraf Essa
Salaam 3alaik ya Rasol Allah

Marwa Ashraf Essa
Great songs

Rayooma Al
it is rael nice and all songs in the album
greatallah help you to more great albumi love u

Amina Daoui
zin taitsnt lzin

Sıla Gül
Sami Yusuf very successful .. There are many fans
in turkey. I*** one of those people

Louma Souna
very nice Samy Yusuf ♥ :)

Rosa Jerbiya

Ibræhim Hælil Déli

Anita Metwally
Love this song!! Sami you are a great singer.

Aziz Fennich
toute tes chansons akh sami son manifique allah

Cenk Bozkoyun

Simo Zahdi
merci sami

Oumaima Hamdi
i ♥ it

Nulwan Zakira
Igive this gift fr u all and sistrs and
brthrs..."ya ALLAH urzuqna ta3atk wa ta3at
rasulik wa lmawta 3ala din Al Islam,wa rzuqna
lfirdaws al a3la"Amen

Bakhtiar Hameed

Sara Yamlahi
very beautifull sangs melanged

Julie Hrazzem
Very nice sami youssef! Allah redalik

Nulwan Zakira
U took a long time ther in Turkey don't
frget brother manyy of ur fans waitig here in the
Arabic world

Senan Guliyev
Sami Yusuf is a British composer. He was born in
July 1980 into a musical family of Azeri origin

Neslihan Çelik
great great very nice indeed

SoNo SoNg
what a beautiful song !

Firuz Halimov
Salam brother, all the best

Aftriana Kholifa
سبحان الله

Muskan Tanha
likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee able

Abdullah Çelik
very nice (:

ILa Ishak
wherever you are...

Sıddıka Sazak
allah yolunuzu açık etsin seni seviyoruz

Fehmina Ali
nice to hear songs from ebook

RoYa Habalnees
sami yusuf love u so

Chandio Farman
mashalllah sami bhai

Angl Ali
In every wonderful thing I wish you success

Firuz Halimov
Salam brother, all the best

Belkacem Mourad

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