Sami Yusuf-You Came To Me

17 Ocak 2010 Pazar, 15:30

3158 izlenme


Yara Amin
Allah.... thsa vedio lovle me:)thanks:)

Nur Surmeli
Allah bless you ;)))

Buket Yusuf
it`s perfect.wish you be the first ever...))))

Sarasoty Hamdy
the mooooooooost wonderful one ... may allah bless
u ... waiting for ur full album.............
plllllllllz sooooo very soon ... we waiting for u
too in Egypt cairo :):). may allah reward u wiz
the best ... ur sis Sarah

Şermin Sarohan
bu güzel video için çok tşk ederim :DD:

Buket Yusuf
the best....

Jaza Alam Khan
MASHALLAH ... I Love this song

Mahmood ALmatrook
all the best (Sami Yusuf)

Mahmood ALmatrook
I Love this song

Yakup Noyan
etkilen***k elde degil..fevkladeeee....

Fatma Hajjouni
sami you are the best ♥♥♥

Umam Bonjol
msya'Alloh.....I lOve This SonG!!!is

Maria Dz
super chanson

Hülya Altınel İlerisoy
the song is süper its very nice

Aykut Gökoğlu

Shiny Pearl
i love sami and all his songs...

Zeynep Öncel
sami yusufu çok seviyorum allah razı olsun ondan
rabbimi ve hz.muhammedi (s.a.V) bana daha çok
sevdiriyor.kendimi başka alemlerde hissediyorum .
huzur buluyorum sami yusufu dinleyince allah
başımızdan ek*** etmesin...=)

Haris Ahmed
All the praise for the Allah and salam on Hazrat
Muhammad S.A.W

Fi Fiza

Youssef Soukri
it's a great song just go on brother sami to
the good way

Houssem Ben Slama
machalla , nice song

Deden Sanroman
yeah i like it

Houssam Esperanza
tbarkala 3lik ya sami..

Youssef Soukri
you're the best brother, god bless you :) :)

Malikana Al-subhi

Ovie Clalu D'hati
lagu'y menyentuh bngt....

Erkan Ak
Daha gecenlerde Sami Yusufu elestiriyordunuz, PKK
li diye ve Beyza Müzigin sayfasindan bile onun
Linkini silmistiniz ve simdi de Onun klibini
yayinliyorsunuz...Dogrusu hic anlamiyorum

Zineb Outland'Moros
Thx for the tag it's really a great song for
our brother Sami :)God bless !

Susi Razikin
thank you for sharing & all praises to Allah.

Eya Touati
nice video to sami yusuf i liked a lot god bless
you enchallah

Mina Sahnoun
amazing machalah!!! ♥

Irum Macci
love, no other words can describe it.

Havva Erdem
Aldanma insanların samimiyetine Menfaatleri
uğruna gelirler vecde, Cenneti vaad etmeseydi
eğer Allah'a bile etmezlerdi secde. . . !

Ahsen Aise
MashaAllah, good song...Thanks Sami Yusuf

Rijad Ferati
he's such a nice singer, he puts a meaning
into his words, emotions into his melody and peace
and serenity into our heart :)

Besart Ibishi
allahu proteht you

Mus'ab Al-Khair Dzulkefly
nicely done in post production..THUMBSUPP!

Hajar Habache
we support you keep going

Sedat Cesur
Harika bir ses:))

Ayhan Dinar
aferin kız sana hoşuma gitti

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