Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - International Trailer [HQ]

24 Kasım 2010 Çarşamba, 15:21

1593 izlenme


Oğuzkağan Aydın

Sofia Magdalena Fey
oh my god I just watched it in german and then in
english and in english it is sooo much better , in
german all the jokes aren't jokes anymore.. i
don't know how to say this but it's a
lot more fun in english! translations always
suuuuckkkk! i'm gonna watch it when i'm
in england ;D

John LaTemple
‎"Lesbian-s?" LOL

Benjamin Gillespie

Ethan Skates
how's life? is he in it >_<!

William Mclovin'-Falla
thats a fail ^he says how's life? he seems

Alvin Wilson
the comics really helped me i kne what 2 do when
i *** a new girlfriend (5 down 2 to go)

Erik Iacopelli

Michael Sorita
the l word ***s the other l word ...***s

Rachel Smith
‎... She dusts.

Donnie R Mason
Didn't you get my email explaining the
situation.....I skimmed um

Andrew J Santiago
hi ill leave u alone for ever now ya right orders
from***azon n asks out thats leavin her alone
forever more like 3 to 8 weeks

Sara Michaelle Martin
Love the music choice towards the end...Invaders
Must The Prodigy....I so wanna see this
movie :-) Btw the profile pic...I***
goin to go see those 3 in concert here in August.

Priscilla Murillo
Awesome! :)

Chloe Way-Iero
Sara they're***azing have a great time !
anyways cant wait to see this :D xx

David Guerra Jr
this movie is goin to be hilarious i*** goin to
love it

Sara Michaelle Martin
Chloe, I*** so stoked to see them, I went to see
them for the first time last year, and now I***
goin again. Also, I totally plan to go see this
flick, I loved the comics :-D

Robert McDonald
Can't wait!!!

Phoebe Jo
‎"A cleaning lady?" "She
dusts...dust." lol!! XD

Matthew Ryan Copeland
I'm ***s with you lol

Zachary Vanitas Ventus Harris
Yo a *** a life *be-Blop* lol!!!

Jonah Brookins
‎"u punched me in da boob prepare to

Kaleb Eddings

Jordan Lay
‎"break out the l word"
"***?" "no"
"***'s?" lol

Danny Muse Roahrig
PEE BAR beeeeep

Ryan Schneider
she dusts!! brilliant!!!

Anthony Lyder
possibly going to be the best movie of all time.
fo sho

Catty Jade Christensen
***ing love it WANNA FUCKING SEE IT!!

Alex Vandenbloomen
that was epic

Evan Dang
‎@Alex: Well, it is"an epic of epic

Alex Vandenbloomen
i hope they dont mess up the story line and cut
out good parts

Nate Crawford
is scott here?? *jumps out the window* uhhmm....

Täralyn Parks
I heard "70" but I'm pretty sure
they said "7". LOL

Jalen Fields
he has a pee bar

Leroy Lyfe Johnson
nope. every part is in ita nd they did a damn
good job.

Edward Jarrell
scott plays
d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d... on his
guitartodd responds by playing an awesome bass
solo of his ownscott responds by playing the same
lammme d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d... as
beforealso, "love is a battle, so figh...t
for it." best advice EVER

Jonny Crew
does anyone no the name of the song in the second
half of the clip

Jonna Michelle Thrift
you punched me in the boob! prepared to die

Josh Harvey
the prodigy is the band on the second half of the
clip and the name of the song is invaders must die

Kendall Johnson
‎"Its time to break out the L word."
"Lesbian?" "No the other L
word." "Lesbians??"

Luis Martinez
ahhh que buena peli me recuerda mis años de
puberto alla en los 90 s

Tim Mahood
The cleaning lady, she cleans up. Dust. She

Rajik Ceniza Rasul
hey whats up i leave u alone forever now - scott

Mikx Joans

Conner Williams
you punched me in the boob lol

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