Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - Teaser Trailer [HD]

24 Haziran 2010 Perşembe, 17:25

1178 izlenme


JoAnne Ivette Irizarry
yayyy another good movie hehe cnt wait!!!

Eloise Adams Ghrist
This looks hilarious!!

Neal Liggins

Spencer Rowell
i'm going to see this tripping!

Yamileth Diaz
hey, this looks awsome!

Terry W Wood
Not a big fan of cira but hey this looks pretty

Reilly A. Meiers
haha seems cool

Corrine Rachel Thomas
it's crazy.

Josh Cabrera
this shit culd actually be stupid enough to be

Taylor Fagins
so awesome

Joshua Rogers
‎:D this kid know's how to pick a
role........type cast hello..lolz .....truly
tho" i like "

Brett David Ulrich
i*** soooo going to watch this movie when it
come's out

Michael Wyman
sucks and can someone tell me why michael cera
gets younger. Way to take chick hormones to stay
young looking dork

Phill Conklin
i'd watch that twice in theaters. it looks

Mitchell Conte
Triple Like. My friend *** me into reading Scott
Pilgrim and when we heard about the movie, we
freaked out. Lol

Paul Wittek
This looks effing AMAZING!

Winston Edmondson
Chris Evans. Yay!

Lauren Story
Well, ngl, I'm ***ing excited :D

Scott Brashears

Kembang Reklely
tis good..

Janaka Lakmal
this is very good

Brandi Jones
i love it!!can't wait!

Shala King
I can't wait for August 13, 2010

Chelsea Schwerdt
very nice!

Malik Thorpe
nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alberto Gonzalez
looks awesome. i love mary elizabeth winstead.
she's cute. and michael cera is really funny
and cool. cant wait for this film to come out.

Ross McEwan
utter pish!!

Amol Dhadge
thats totally time-pass... good

Payton Easter
this looks awsome!!!!!

Ricky Franklin
***ing awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spotty Anthony Sanders
I came buckets

Daniel Roper
It's Egg!

Thanandorn Jack Hopkins
i wna watch this so muchhhhhhh!!!

Jan Struik
ghehehe it´s gonna be a great movie

Detrail Ball
Wow this movie great

Gabriel Gogonya
More wat srry!!!

Corey Carroz
I can't wait to see this move. The Ok part
almost makes me cry....Yeah, its that good!

Ky' EkkY'

Doug Bubs Marston

Drizzy Colmines

Nick A. Schneider
august 13

Thomas Anderson

Joshua Meyer
holy crap i want to see it

Dannielle Laws
This would be cooler without Micheal Cera.

Cole Welden Stauffer
micheal cera is awesome

Joshlynn Hilburn
its kinda like kickass

Enrique Martinez
So Michael Cera's gonna be dating a woman
three times his age too? XD

Rachel Mikayla Mischon
Fuck no it wouldn't. He rocks.

Neal Liggins

Spencer Rowell
i'm going to see this tripping!

Yamileth Diaz
hey, this looks awsome!

Terry W Wood
Not a big fan of cira but hey this looks pretty

Reilly A. Meiers
haha seems cool

Corrine Rachel Thomas
it's crazy.

Josh Crush Cabrera
this shit culd actually be stupid enough to be

Taylor Fagins
so awesome

Joshua Rogers
‎:D this kid know's how to pick a
role........type cast hello..lolz .....truly
tho" i like "

Brett David Ulrich
i*** soooo going to watch this movie when it
come's out

Michael Wyman
sucks and can someone tell me why michael cera
gets younger. Way to take chick hormones to stay
young looking dork

Phill Conklin
i'd watch that twice in theaters. it looks

Mitchell Conte
Triple Like. My friend *** me into reading Scott
Pilgrim and when we heard about the movie, we
freaked out. Lol

Paul Wittek
This looks effing AMAZING!

Winston Edmondson
Chris Evans. Yay!

Lauren Story
Well, ngl, I'm ***ing excited :D

Scott Brashears

Kembang Reklely
tis good..

Janaka Lakmal
this is very good

Kachino Okimane
i love it!!can't wait!

Shala King
I can't wait for August 13, 2010

Chelsea Schwerdt
very nice!

Marquise Roberson

Alberto Gonzalez
looks awesome. i love mary elizabeth winstead.
she's cute. and michael cera is really funny
and cool. cant wait for this film to come out.

Ross McEwan
utter pish!!

Amol Dhadge
thats totally time-pass... good

Payton Easter
this looks awsome!!!!!

Ricky Franklin

Spotty Anthony Sanders
I came buckets

Moli Aboty

Daniel Roper
It's Egg!

Jack Hopkins
i wna watch this so muchhhhhhh!!!

Jan Struik
ghehehe it´s gonna be a great movie

Doe Doe Trailg
Wow this movie great

Corey Carroz
I can't wait to see this move. The Ok part
almost makes me cry....Yeah, its that good!

Ekky D'eMotion

Doug Marston

Andres Colmines

Nicholas Alexander
august 13

Thomas Anderson

Joshua Meyer
holy crap i want to see it

Dannielle Kaye Laws
This would be cooler without Micheal Cera.

Cole Welden Stauffer
micheal cera is awesome

Joshlynn Hilburn
its kinda like kickass

Enrique Martinez
So Michael Cera's gonna be dating a woman
three times his age too? XD

Rachel Mikayla Mischon
Fuck no it wouldn't. He rocks.

Awel Pipopipo
im inlove with ramona flowers ><but i like
knives chau ..

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