Selena Gomez - Who Say Music Video!!!! [HQ]

12 Mart 2011 Cumartesi, 21:32

1734 izlenme


Thị Mụi

Sohila Khaled
I Love it :) ♥

Marc Xavier Gomez
Is dz d fulL music vide0? I th0ugHt the vdeo will
be released on march 11??

Irem Su
cok qüzellldi ♥

Emma Garell
♥ ♥ ♥

Sandra Kulikowski

Cláudia Esteves
without words...♥♥♥♥♥

Roberto Hernandez
I want you very much for your person and successes

Huy Trần
Who says

Dannyel Gomez

Mileyz Cyrus
who says.d

Omar Noury
not god as the other song she is doing just like
justin bieber the world she say it like 1 million
time that suck

Biagio Caccia

Boulares Selma
I love this

Jose Ignacio Olea Donoso
increible!!!!!!!! de donde lo sacaste!!

Heeran Jalal
Hey I didn't find that video on youtubewhere
did you get it????can u send d link plzzzz

Hiba ⓋⓛⓅ Louati
i like it

Angel Aafreen

Nelson Nathanael Moreta
where you downloaded

Faisal Jackarain

Francisco Araujo
yes :)

Guto Mendez
Good!It talks about the life!About to be who you
really are!Still , talk about love yourself !

Jeetesh Hasijani
amazingg...I tell u beautifull Lyrics...lovd

Rohit Pal Singh
Not a Bad Song!!Awesome Music Video.WOrth A watch

Noelie Jane Bantigue
BEAUTIFUL SINCE 1992.. true!!! :) great lyrics..

Vinnie Amesar
i want to download that song song

Vinnie Amesar
cool song selena

Senda Jeddey

Bethany Sinnett
i love that songall of her songs are good :D

Merve Demircioğlu
i love u this girl ♥.

Justinreal Bieber

Tiffany Banks
♥ it....

Amir Chelly
amazing ♥ ♥

Jovana Joca Matejic
how did you score it??!!?!

Dakshant Vaishnav

Eda Yildiz
ayyyy cok güzel!!! selena you are the best!!!

Hilal Sönmez

Lala Carvalho
very lovely

Ines Jazi
Wonderful Song

Ghazz Abidi
this song is beautiful i loved it its
awesomeeeeeee ♥♥♥ love u selena

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