smile with Ferman)))))

09 Kasım 2010 Salı, 19:57

1272 izlenme


Aliye Kavak
very very beatiful......

Laura Akgül
This is soooo damn cute!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Fatıma Gülec
nıcee :)))

Hatice Karli
really really nice but the part i relly loved is
the beginning XD or no no everything i cant deicde
hahah XD

Avril Yamy Ferman Akgül
beni etiketleyebilirmisiniz..=]

Esther del Castillo
Great video!! And Ferman so cute as always :D

Hatice Karli
did you make this Irina or is it from a fan???

Avril Yamy Ferman Akgül
Cooooooooooooooooooooo...K TsK eDeRiM eTiKeT
iCiN..=DDDDD ♥ ♥ ♥ !!!!

Aylin Çetin
bttim videoya spr kim yptıysa eline saglıK

Fermancoliqq 'seLen
Süper olmuş yaaa çok güzel videoları nereden
bulmuşlar acaba :D

Julia Mayer
Ferman & Ozgur dance so funny ;) I can't
help laughing!!!

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