06 Kasım 2010 Cumartesi, 17:30

1111 izlenme


Zhanel Fatima Mateo

Ivy Joy Mañalac Arceo
‎.. Boo is like a robot dog.. :D.. so cute and

Alex Jaouni

Joel Tsui
Mommy's voice is really sweet. (:

Alnikko Espina
is Boo a robot? :|

Michael Mark Davenport
what kind of dog is that thing???

Beth Clifford
I is a winker!

Yi Lin Tsai
hahahaha soo cute

Über Bern
Seems most of Asians in North Am live in niceeeee

Nick Sievers
whos the owner????

Alessandra Belfiore
he's sooo fing cute!!! what kinda of dog is

James Hong
Quite a magnificent looking animal. I'm
guessing that Boo is a crossbreed between a
Pomeranian and a bear? Come on, that dog is at
least 20% bear..

Letessha Williams
he is so cute what breed and how much??

Chieva Mode
ROFL so cute

Jolin Kwok
boo looks like a bear especially towards the end,
especially like one of those Forever Friends bear
or Build-a-Bear from the store

Andres Jaramillo

Josephine Chong Kim

Ana Claudia Otoni
Eu quero um pra miim!!

Kim Walters
my goodness Boo is cute!!!

Nikki Thompson
if i didnt see these videos, id have thought he
was a fake, he's THAT cute and perfect!!!! :)

Natalie Melo
omg he is so cute! what kind of dog is he?

Michelle LeeYoung Kim
귀여워!!! 훔쳐가고싶어!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Aksa Mary Pramod
sooooooo cuteeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leesa Welton
how could u say he iz a boy??????????

Kimberly Case
Some of you guys are saying Boo looks like a
Bear; actually the correct term is Chow Chow. I
hope Boo is part Pomeranian and part Chow. Looks
so adorable...

Kimberly Case
Just google Chow Chow and click on images

Kimberly Case
You'll see what i mean by appearance of a

Anna Jo
so cute /_\

MinJung Jessica Kim

Jess Thompson
Too adorable! Reminds me of my pomeranian who
hated wearing clothes. She always had that same
look on her face!

Jesus Reynaldo Campos Martinez
actually i like the girls voice...

Jill Cresko
A real life teddy bear! Precious!

'Jorge Aviléz'
what's the race??? :D

Catiana Tron
oh my god i love this doggg!

Jessica Lovesbunnies
cutest dog ever

Houssem Delly
Putain ♥!

ვერ მიპოვით
it is real dog? :D

Jessica Lovesbunnies
love him i want boo
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad.

Lauryn Mierzwa
awww!!! he's soooo cute!!!

Grace Niu
soo kyoootttt!!! and adorable!! :P

Mariam Kanashvili

Patty Tennyson
He is the cutest little Pomeranian!!!!

i love Boo~~~~

Levan Abramishvili ﺕ
he is so cute! but.... STUPID ! :D ))))))))

Amani Al-Harbi
ياهل ترى اذا شته يدور زي
الكوره مثلا" يعني

Sam Bohannon
Damn do you sound cute ;)

Alexis May
he's slow!

Dato Abashidze
visac gindat gachuqebt myavs lekvebi

Kiara Siberian
boo breed is pomeranian

Elizabeth Cochran
He's not slow, his shirt's just too
tight... ;)

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