Sorry. [HQ]

23 Haziran 2010 Çarşamba, 13:25

923 izlenme


Eloisa Bohnenstengel
Adooooooooooooooro! Só podia ser carro de
alemão!!! rsrs

Khaled Elmasry
it is very good

Barbara E. Joy
ok, that confused me.....just a car commercial?
Hmmm why is it on here??? yes it's good,
but this is about a tv show!!!

Vanessa Rodriguez
Flashforward *** WHY???

Daniela Schneider
i guess the show is over :/ or not?

Dave Fude
who cares? the show is canned

Pınar Karataş Aydın

John Fallon
ABC always cancels good shows.

Alex Soto
Somebody should start a petition to keep the show
on. :(

Onur Eröz
Wtf it's cancelled ? go home ABC

Kováts Mónika
ABC :-( Remélem legalább jó lesz a
befejezés!! Nem értem az ABC-t.... nem volt
rossz sorozat!! Érdekes volt, csak nem kellett
volna azt a hosszú szünetet tartani! :-(

Shannon Floyd

Hayo Lücke

Mücke Melanie
double ;-(

Claudia Dallas

Shannon Floyd
‎:( on the show cancellation (??? didnt even
know) & to prior comments, I think this
commercial totally applies to ff due to defeating
fate subject matter.

Ertuğrul Topcu
it's not officially cancelled. but i think,
it will unfortunately.

Khalid Al-Toum
ha ha ha ha ha . .. ...........sorry!

Giovanni Zazzarino
What a load of bollox

Ruzzon Serena

Wanda Sue Dyer
ABC, you're a tool...

Diana Paniagua
what's this about it being canceled? is it
true? end of this season and thats it or one more
season, what?

Kasia Madetko
nice advert;)

Patrick Link
That commercial didnt even make a bit of
sense..and what does it have to do with Flash

Brenda Gardner-Kent

Yama Casanova
No es asi, según sabemos gracias a FF que tarde
o temprano choca contra un troncooo,

Mathieu St-Laurent
That had nothing to do with Flash Forward. Thats
it, i'm out of this group! You suck group

Ann Howley
advert great - LOL LOADS- just nothing to do with
the show!

Abdulrahman K-b

Lucy Stent
That was 40 seconds we'll never see again!

Patrick Weaver
The guy saw death. He cheated death because his
cars breaking system is topnotch. All of you
morons whining about it not having anything to do
with the show are terrible at catching the message
in things.Also, if the show isn't cancelled
af...ter this season it's going to suck
anyways. What are they going to do after they
figure out how to stop the blackouts? And if they
drag it out because they can't solve the
blackout problem it's going to just get
watered down, boring, and overall incredibly
stupid; kind of like Lost.

Faranaaz Matthysen Phipps
Excellent Ad!

Vanessa R.
I just read that the show has been officially
canceled. Two more episodes and that's it for
FlashForward. This really sucks!! Heroes ***
canceled too! A good series finale from each show
that actually wraps up the story lines would be
nice, but I guess we will always wonder how it
ends. Thanks for nothing, network execs.

Alexander Handel
Haha That was great:)

Scott Breckenridge
ITS A HINT... The shows not dead yet they still
time to save it people .....fool the grim
reaper...if you people want the show to continue
voice your opinins..THAT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT

Scott Breckenridge
show your ♥

Sonia Vize
spam i found :(

Wanda Sue Dyer
Hey Patrick Weaver....why are you here if you
don't like the show anyway? Oh...that's
right, no one else wants you..

Hakan Ozdemir
süper bir reklam :D yaaaa adamlar yapmış....

Laura Cassini
‎...not today

Jim Eubanks
I've been writing and thanking the show
sponsors for supporting Flashforward. If anything
could save it, the advertisters ccould.

Riza Bozdemir
mükemmel harika bir şey

Sam King

Eloisa Bohnenstengel
Adooooooooooooooro! Só podia ser carro de
alemão!!! rsrs

Cordula Coco Flad

Khaled Elmasry
it is very good

Barbara E. Joy
ok, that confused me.....just a car commercial?
Hmmm why is it on here??? yes it's good,
but this is about a tv show!!!

Vanessa Rodriguez
Flashforward *** WHY???

Daniela Schneider
i guess the show is over :/ or not?

Dave Fude
who cares? the show is canned

Pınar Karataş Aydın

John Fallon
ABC always cancels good shows.

Alex Soto
Somebody should start a petition to keep the show
on. :(

Onur Eröz
Wtf it's cancelled ? go home ABC

Kováts Mónika
ABC :-( Remélem legalább jó lesz a befejezés!!
Nem értem az ABC-t.... nem volt rossz sorozat!!
Érdekes volt, csak nem kellett volna azt a
hosszú szünetet tartani! :-(

Shannon Floyd

Hayo Lücke

Kováts Mónika

Mücke Melanie
double ;-(

Claudia Dallas

Shannon Floyd
‎:( on the show cancellation (??? didnt even
know) & to prior comments, I think this
commercial totally applies to ff due to defeating
fate subject matter.

Ertuğrul Topcu
it's not officially cancelled. but i think,
it will unfortunately.

Jennifer Schmidt
This article from Entertainment Weekly says
it's been canceled:​m/2010/05/13/abc-

Khalid Al-Toum
ha ha ha ha ha . .. ...........sorry!

Gianni Zazzarino
What a load of bollox

Ruzzon Serena

Wanda Dyer
ABC, you're a tool...

Diana Paniagua
what's this about it being canceled? is it
true? end of this season and thats it or one more
season, what?

Kasia Ma
nice advert;)

Patrick Link
That commercial didnt even make a bit of
sense..and what does it have to do with Flash

Brenda Gardner-Kent

Daniel Catalão

Yama Casanova
No es asi, según sabemos gracias a FF que tarde
o temprano choca contra un troncooo,

Mathieu St-Laurent
That had nothing to do with Flash Forward. Thats
it, i'm out of this group! You suck group

Ann Howley
advert great - LOL LOADS- just nothing to do with
the show!

Abdulrahman K-b

Lucy Stent
That was 40 seconds we'll never see again!

Patrick Weaver
The guy saw death. He cheated death because his
cars breaking system is topnotch. All of you
morons whining about it not having anything to do
with the show are terrible at catching the message
in things.Also, if the show isn't cancelled

Faranaaz Matthysen Phipps
Excellent Ad!

Vanessa R.
I just read that the show has been officially
canceled. Two more episodes and that's it for
FlashForward. This really sucks!! Heroes ***
canceled too! A good series finale from each show
that actually wraps up the story lines would be
nice, but I guess we will always wonder how it
ends. Thanks for nothing, network execs.

Alexander Blake Appelqvist
Haha That was great:)

Scott Breckenridge
ITS A HINT... The shows not dead yet they still
time to save it people .....fool the grim
reaper...if you people want the show to continue
voice your opinins..THAT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT

Scott Breckenridge
show your ♥

Sonia Vize
spam i found :(

Wanda Dyer
Hey Patrick Weaver....why are you here if you
don't like the show anyway? Oh...that's
right, no one else wants you..

Hakan Ozdemir
süper bir reklam :D yaaaa adamlar yapmış....

Laura Cassini
‎...not today

Jim Eubanks
I've been writing and thanking the show
sponsors for supporting Flashforward. If anything
could save it, the advertisters ccould.

Riza Bozdemir
mükemmel harika bir şey

Sam King

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