Spartacus:Gods of the Arena - The Gladiators [HD]

20 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi, 10:27

1439 izlenme


Sukadev Karki
real gud.....this is d movie i ever loved to

Alma Insfrán

Williams Chidozie
Is this season 2.want to know more of clauder
glaber legatus and my sweet lythia.

Sena Duyar
ı saw zeyna again in this movie and it was
thrilled mee!!!!!!!

Jorge David Colindres
oh my God!!!Spatacus:Blood and sand IS JUST

Shai Vaknin
When are they continuing the series??? I watched
all 13 episodes last winter... Waiting for more,
what's goin on? this is the best show!!!

Neil Jay Reyes
cant wait! :-)

Shane Barnard
This is the prequel to blood and sand..the reason
for this was that andy whitfield aka spartacus has
non hodgkins lymphoma..he was looking good to
return for season 2 when the lymphoma came back.
So he decided to step down and not play spartacus
and work on trying to get better.

Edson Rosagaran
Just *** finished watching spartacus the movie
wid 13 episodes in 7 cd's...LIKE IT!..ROCK

Gary Schaffer
Tts a shame its not on24/ makes you wanna
be there....but maybe....not...

Ayşe Tülay Demir
sansürlü izleyince güzel olmuyor..

Naomi Toso
I understand that Spartacus/Andy is seriously ill
and stuff so he can't play his character
anymore, but where is the real Crixus?I mean where
is the actor who played him on the first
season?(Manu Bennett) Who is the man with the long
hair? omg this is so sad

Nuna Sobczyk
Naomi, ffs - can't you read? This is Manu
with long hair!

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