Teens Against Bullying

27 Temmuz 2010 Salı, 02:25

1307 izlenme


Sophie Cheung
why would anyone ever want to bully demi i meen
thats just sick

Chris Vega
don't worry.....i was a bully! but thanks to
GOD no more!! i changed and now i'm bulling
but i pray for they persons i'm just a boy 12
years! but God protect to me! Thank you GOD!!Take
care you! and your***azing voice i love you &
God bless... you! See More

Mayowa Kabirat Iranloye
i can believe u really get bulled*** sorry i know
u are not a bad kid u are a gud kid so keep it on

Jordyn Lee
I GOT BULLIED and sometimes i wanted to cry but
i could stand up to that bully and i could do a
lot of choices i told the teacher she didnt do
anything so i went home and told my parents and
they went and talked with my princable and me and
that bully talked it over and she never bullied me
again. I love you Demi and i want you to read this
and Im Jordyn im a girl who lives in mn and i want
to meet you bye

Britney Cheng
omg why would anyone bully demi because thats
just meen and sick

Alexandra Boulougouris
ya it is meen

Rose Khan
thank u someones standing up to bullies.

Chris Vega
we have tell this to ourfamily!!

Nicole Lorenz
right on Demi :)

Taylorlee Stonestreet
why i luv that video demi

Michele Toni Draper
thanx i have been bulled than one day i *** punch
so were tring to find a differnt school

Yesairis Cosme
thx i was bulided

Nicole A Wayson
demi your right no one should be bulled it does
hurt i know because was bulled and it hurts so
ill when stand up to bulling and ill tell my
friends to stand up to ... thank you demi :)

Hailee Cat Dingwell
my friend is friends with my bully!!!!!!!!
:'( wwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaah1

Sidney Faith Baigent
i have been bullied before

José Antonio Murillo
you are awesome

Arlette Abella Tineza
good job demi and ur right nobody should bully

Polina Konovalova
Why is it only for teens?

Chris Vega
don't worry.....i was a bully! but thanks to
GOD no more!! i changed and now i'm bulling
but i pray for they persons i'm just a boy 12
years! but God protect to me! Thank you GOD!!Take
care you! and your***azing voice i love you &
God bless... you!

Shelly Karu
we had a bullying boy at school that everybody
hatedd him ...and finally he went to a privet
school . everyone was like sooo happy !l

Lorea Pérez Marín
good for u demi!

Jaz López
Hello I*** a jazmine and I*** charmed with
it(him,her,you) demi lovato I*** of Argentine***
encribiendo in English but my language is Spanish.
If alguin it(he,she) could answer me me encantaria
and it(he,she) does not matter sies in English I
am going to translate it

Claudia Castellanos Beltran
que bello

Sara Luis-Lovato
Hello demi I'm a girl of bulling!! is

Mickaela Outumuro Garcia
es bella

Michelle Velazquez
te***o demi te quiero conoser si te conosiera de
verda serias mi mejor***iga y me agrareias
bastante te***o

Catalina Antonia Benner Ortiz

Hidayatullah Dodge Dohc
you still are in my mind

Maria Camila Ortiz Ramirez
demi eres jeniaL!!!!!

Nazarena Invernizzi
hello demi i love

Melissa Pacheco
hi demi i love te quiero coser no sabes cuanto

Kera Boughtwood
Demi!!!!!!!!! x at least your not getting bullied
now (: Love you

Maria Fernanda Quemag Villa
hi i*** your number one fan you sing very well I
love your music and I also really like how you act
i would love to meet you I love you

Carolina Ávalos
oh my god!! Demi es la mejor!

Manolla Belen Sepulveda Perez
es boni to pero dejen de ablar en ingles ablen en

Moa Wester
yue are rili cool and a mejsing

Alexandra Rayson
I was bullied for about 5 years then i moved
school and I was never happier. No-one should have
to ever suffer the way i did.

Diana Carolina Petro Rivera
este ideo esta superaunque no lo entiendo

Diana Carolina Petro Rivera

MaRia D KaKa
fine fine...I like ♥

Jimmy Santiago Soto
I Was Bullied For 3 Years But Thank God I

Mikaela Shearer
i was bullied for 3 and a half years it sucked

Mana Azimi

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