The Clash at Demonhead - Black Sheep Music Video Preview [HD]

24 Kasım 2010 Çarşamba, 15:15

2721 izlenme


Kenneth Carlisle Ward
Does the music video contain the full Clash at
Demonhead concert or is it just montages from the

Francis Gignac-Langlois
I'm listening to this song on repeat since I
saw the movie yesterday Kim said in
the trailer...that was epic

Sierra Margaret DeAngelis
This song is epic. :) I love Metric. I know every
word to this song. :D

Marrionette Sixx Gontier
If you go to metrics page on face book and like
them go to music you can find the song and
download it

Ray Macahilas
Actually better than the original metric version.

Nicholas Parrott
not a good voide

Tai Heartnet
that face that Scott makes is the exact face i
make round exs... LOVE THE SONG THO

Scott Myers
Great movie soundtrack...and I love the cast.

Eva Salguero
This song is stuck in my head, like Brie L.
vocals better (:

Angelika Malolos
omg this is soo stuck in my head

Scott Myers

Michael Cordova

Edward Jarrell
cool! me and 809 others like this :)

Andy Belcher

Nick Nemati
this is so hot i get so turned on by this vid

Melissa Alvarado
i had this song stuck in my head for a week i
love it

Marlon Burgos
nice! you are not the only one my friend!!! that
happens to me as well!! (:

Jesse Cuthbert
i think this woman who sings in this vid is way
better than the original song

Ulises Rebolledo
vegan powers ACTIVATE!

Michelle Gazzaneo
whats the original song? cause ive been trying to
get this song but i dont know where to get it or
the name of the song or the person who sings it!!!

Jacob Marchlinski
Black Sheep by Metric, its on the soundtrack.

Paul Boterman
shes hot holy *** so many hot chicks in this
movie:D scotty boy the pimp holy shit

Sha Springfield
Awesome song... but I reallylove the shoes she
has on

Johnathon Sykes
this reminds me of The Yeah Yeah Yeahs...I know
its Metric, but i just can't be reminded of
anything else but that.

Tyrell Lamar Oglesby
I already downloaded the full song.

Taylor Kotsur
i like this song!

Todd Fluker
The drummer for Clash at Demonhead musta been
kinda pissed about her character getting chopped
down for the movie.

Ellen Ayala
love this song. it's plain cool. :))))))

Eric Kim
she's so hot

Raza Ahmed

Jimbo Hardcastle
This song is sooo hypnotic, just

Kamran Ramsden
Reminds me of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, I'm sure
Karen O is'nt as much of bitch as
Envy/Natalie though.

Chris Garcia
Is there still a way to get the full music video
in high quality/HD?

Lila Marie Balamane
It's Metric's song. Emily Haines is a
song writing/performing goddess. Everything she
touches turns to gold.

Anahi Reyes
i friggn luv it !!!!!!!

Bailey McIntyre
this song is sooo awsome

Daniel Palmer
It's not Metric in the movie though.

Hal Darling
i luv this movie it the best one ever !!!!

Oscar Ramirez
I love this song

MeepMeep Im-a Sheep
I*** in ***s with this song.

Christopher Tate
I love this song, I love all the music from this
movie and I'm definitely getting this when it
comes out!!!!!!

Shane Aoi
I love this song, I actually love all the music
on this movie gosh I the best movie i saw

Thomas Saenz
best song in the movie

Alejandro Paolini
Pobre Scott... No se merece esto, pero... ENVY
TIA BUENA!!!!!!!! xD Que buena es la parte del
comic cuando Ramona y Envy se pelean

Pierre Escalle
hot girl !!

Shaley Cochran
i have seen it it is good u NEED 2 see it !!!!!

Tiffany Penn
This song is so sick....anyone know where to
download it?

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