THE HOBBIT, Production Video #3 [HD]

23 Temmuz 2011 Cumartesi, 02:40

1294 izlenme


Simon Fisher
‎Laura Fisher watch this!

Lauren Taylor
I get more and more excited for this film with
each video blog! Can't wait to see more!

Barbara Dijke
Loving it!!!! Thanks Peter and the rest for a peek
of the good stuff!

Stefan Vorlauf
‎13 Zwerge und ein Hobbit sind schon ein anderes
Kaliber als 7 Männer mit so einer Märchentante.
Ich freue mich riesig auf den Film.

Rosemary Atherton
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!! Watching your blog,
Peter, made my day. :)

Elvin Gonzaga
Thanks for the great "sneak peeks" ! I
can't wait !

Johan Erixon
It just gets better and better!!! Can't

David Sander
I think i just wet my pants in anticipation! I CAN

Blair Grindstaff
Thank you for a wonderful sneak peeks. Can't
wait for this film!

Harry Andrew 'Wk' Hawcroft
‎"Metallica Version." Haha!

Sô Vitor
even though i still have my tiny doubts about the
way the film is going to be done i cant stop
almost crying in joy during these updates!! and im
sure itll happen during the film itself! The
Hobbit is basically the tale of my childhood!

Julia Munz
AWESOME!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Virginia Palmer-Füchsel
Can't wait to see a dwarf food fight in
Bilbo's kitchen

Charles William Walker

Lynnie Okeefe
lol@who is that odd little fellow

Jo Moss
we are all so lucky that PJ and all are blogging
their whole process :) It's so exciting!
We're spoilt spoilt fans!!!

Tabatha Nycole Roderick
You and i have the exact same shoes!!!!!AHHHH!!!
So awesome!!!!!

Ellie Harries
OMG!!! Getting very excited!! i actually thought
that Christopher Lee at the end was a fake and
when he spoke I freaked out! WOOOOO!!!!
Can't wait!!!

Alen Manukyan
Hobbit is number 9 wonder of the world,number 8 is
lord of the rings trilogy

Jennifer Heinen
metallica version hahahaha made my day =D ♥
Can't wait to see the film!

Annie de Borst
Your still a true kiwi Pete.. such a dag :)

Andrea Cosmic Lee
I know there have been alot of negative comments
about the general look of the dwarves, but for
Gods sake, can't we just be happy that this
movie is finally being made??? Personally,
I'm thrilled to bits & I know you
can't please all of the people all of the
time, but I trust Peter Jackson & his team to
make the best movie possible . He won't let
us down.

Alberto Ivan Cotto Torres
the ending was the best part =D

Noelle Chew
Mr. Jackson sure knows how to market...showing
little glmpses of Cate and Hugo....and a teeny
tiny glance of Saruman at the end...

Jeferson Dos Santos
appreciate these videos !!

Heather Roma
Thank you so much for doing these, Pete!!!!!!!!
Keep 'em comin'!

Eden Anaimia
YESSSSSSSS! It'll be brilliant. I know it
will! If the production videos are this fantastic
I can't even imagine the end product. YAY TO

Rahul Gupta
Very entertaining!!

Natallie Nazareth Alcantara Chagas
This movie will be awsome!

Alan Stark
Thanks for sharing !

Bethany Suzanne Mejean
I have the BIGGEST grin on my face right now. 8D

Rebecca Nichole Adamson
Thank you everyone for sharing your journey
through production with us, we're so excited
to see the bits and pieces and can't wait
until they're finally put together!

Banu Sakarya
thank you PJ, even your behind scene videos are
incredible, you really love your fans, and they
worship you back for you loving them:))

Greg Howarth
i would like to know if there will be extended
versions like the lord of the rings casue i like
watching the behind the scenes and everything

Azukka Azu
Amazing, I can't wait!!!

Michael Jarvis
Awesome! Peter Jackson is a God

Cristian Lopez
the bes =)t part, christopher lee =) as saruman,

Wilson Romano Calil Filho
‎"Who is that.....odd little fellow?"

Travis Koelling
Bifur has an axe piece stuck in his head lol

Emily Gumpert
Ha ha ha, Peter Jackson hasn't lost his
acting talent any.

Linda Backman
How do you find the time to make these? They are
so well presented. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nancy Casseus
AHA! The ending of this was QUITE a pleasant
surprise!!! LOL

Travis Koelling
Im still wondering how he can live with an axe in
his skull...

Christina O'Malley
Absolutely fantastic! It's been just
thrilling to watch these videos. Thank you so much
for taking the time to put them together. My heart
has been moved by every one, particularly this
last one and seeing all of the returning actors on
set. What an incredible family! :)

Cathal Looby
Absolutely brilliant stuff , as usual. And a
wonderful little cameo from Sir Christopher Lee at
the end.

Michael Frank
love it! saruman! gandalf! radagast!

Sukhmander Dhaliwal
I liked this video very much. Keep up the good
work, Peter !!

Daniel Schwimmer

Art Roberts
Another great peak into what is going to be a
great movie!

Jason Lynch

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