The Honest Kiss

18 Aralık 2010 Cumartesi, 20:36

1287 izlenme


نور الهدى
hehe3la mhlk 3le ziad :Dرب اغفرلي
ولوالدي رب ارحمهما كما
ربياني صغيراً

Ziad Abdu AlGhafur
tab enooo el gamze bi e5ir el movie shu
ya3neeeeee aaaaaaaaaaa baddo tentif

نور الهدى
hl2 hyda yle shefto mn lvidoe :D ma 3m efhm kif
ntbhtla llghmze :D

Ehsan Abed Fattah
Nice, i did like it a lot, the crying scene shou
haida nefouret may, ba3deen the video shows a
picture of the family, 3 kids and mom, dad, wein
bakiet el kids shou fallou min el beit :)

Ziad Abdu AlGhafur
hasan i say " notalib bi mu7ekamit
elmu5rig" w njib the lil devil lal justice
ne5od 7a2na meno !

نور الهدى
هههههشكلكم استفدتوا
تماماً من عبرة الموضوع
;)مركزين على لب الموضوع
والقضية الأساسية ومش
مهتمين للتفاصيل :D...بالنسبة
للغمزة، بحسب المخرج الولد
عم يعاني من التهاب بعينه
ولها السبب عم يغمز بغير
ارادته ;)بالنسبة لباقي
الأولاد ما كانوا حابين
يحضروا توم وجيري ففاتوا
ناموا بكير :Dأي استفسارات
تانية بتحبوا تسألوا المخرج
عنها ممكن تكتبوها كتعليق
تحت الفيديو ونعدكم بإيجاد
الإجابة :D

Ehsan Abed Fattah
wallah shou, why the parents lakan didn't
take the kid to see a doctor, ba3din loving family
w nousson sleep bakir, you know what wallah it is
amazing keif sayer el cartoons so close to real
life, bass want to ask our director inno the way
in crying shou haida ??? masha allah 3aleih iza
everyone will cry like this ra7 ysir 3anna oceans
of tears.

Ehsan Abed Fattah
ziad shou badda ma7kameh douwalieh halla2 :) bass
the other kids deserve an opportunity to
participate, we need the justice :)

نور الهدى
‎:)Take it easy :) 5ls 7ya5do 3nd doctor w
mmno3 7da ynam 2bl bedtime :) bymshe l7al
hek?ملاحظة: ممنوع الاستفسار
حول حجاب الأم ;)

Huda Shihab
ma 2tybo the kid!!b3a2ed7aram keef 3m ybke
:(allah ma y7rom 7adan sho3or being a parentma
hene zeenat 2l dnonya :)...nice video nour

نور الهدى
‎:) Amin

Bilal Fleifel
thanks nour ! very very touching video..we will
never pay back our parents .. :S This kid has
dameer he remembered what his parents did 4 him ..

Asmaa Ait Bahassou
very beautiful !!

Meryem El Boukhari
رب اغفرلي ولوالدي رب
ارحمهما كما ربياني
صغيراًnice video jas***i lah 3ana alf khayr

Ziad Abdu AlGhafur
ya ayuha al jumhur alkariiiiiimmmmmmm ha wa kad
ijtama3naaa al2an akwa mn ay wakt mada .. li
narfa3 sawtina 3alyan fal yaskot alnizam
aldictatoriiiiiii ... ufff kabarta ktir ana shu
5as ha bha .. n way .. el msg lezim tusal la kl
bet la kl sha5s bi7b el sawra wl gadab .. lezim
tedawbal el 5argiyeh bl bet .. wa kad o3zira .. bi
7arakeh inkilebiyeh tashmol mo3zam alduwal
aliskandnaviyeh ... lan nar7am .. lan nusawem ..
lan .. lan !

Ahmed Elmetwally
رائع جداااااااااجزاكم
الله خيرا يا نور

Angela W. Aslan
‎:) i had over than 18 notifications :) 2elet
shi tagged video or tagged photo bel da22 :)
raw2ouha shabeb, i think we all went through that
phase in a way or another :)

Bilal Fleifel
saro 19 notifications :D

Ehsan Abed Fattah
ya3ni anjad i*** surprised, all these comments,
Nour why you don't do something like asking
this group to start a khitmeh, ya3ni everyone will
select jize2 from quaran and we all will arrange
this khitmeh, masha2 allah iza 19 comments ya3ni
19 jizi2 keno khoulsou, think in it.

Bilal Fleifel
I*** in brother Hassan

Ehsan Abed Fattah
o.k Nour please write down the purpose of this
khitmeh and enshallah all of us will participae,
to organize this well each one will write down the
jizi2 which he wants to complete and i*** sure it
will be great.

Ziad Abdu AlGhafur
good idea hassan .. lesh nour deyman beda tbalish
! badishhhhhhhhhhhi say this 5etme .. allah
ywafi2na bi 7ayetna bl deniyeh , wi mate3na bil
nazar elo bl e5ra... :)if u dont mind .. im gono
start with jeze2 : 1 + 2

Ehsan Abed Fattah
god bless you, i will start by 3+4, yalla shabeib
w sabaya, start up (please write down the jizi2
you want to complete), allah dayman yejma3n2 3ala

Bilal Fleifel
I will take 28-29-30

Ziad Abdu AlGhafur

Huda Shihab
‎14-15 2nsha2 allahhassan ma sha2 allah 3anak
allah y7mekon jme3an w y3zkon bl islam:)

نور الهدى
‎5-6 insha2alah

Ehsan Abed Fattah
ensha2alah i will start 7-8, we still have
9----->13 and 16----->27

Ehsan Abed Fattah
Wajiha Shihab wroteat 10:33pmill take insha'
allah jizi2 16

Mhd Daher
‎9-10 & 11-12 ;)

Ehsan Abed Fattah
happy to read your comment Mr. Daher :), yalla we
still have 13 and 17----->27, Yalla shabeb w
sabaya, allah yberik fikoun, come on.

Angela W. Aslan
Ok, now I'm happy that these notifications
are for this cause :).Bless you !I'm going to
take 13 & 17 for now (although I'm doing
my own khetma).When I'm done nshAllah,
I'll come back to take more :).

Ehsan Abed Fattah
great, el hamdellah, we still have 18---->27,
allah yberik fikoun (shabeb w sabaya) :)

Ehsan Abed Fattah
i will take 18

Angela W. Aslan
I'll take the 19th. Where are the rest? Only
8 chapters are left !

Ehsan Abed Fattah
god bless you, yes we still have only 8 chapters
from 20---->27, Elhamdellah .

Ehsan Abed Fattah
shou shabeb w sabaya wein el hemmeh, only 8
chapters, yalla, i promise b du3a2 khitmeh (ktir
heloo), come on let's finish this, i will
take 20, yalla encourage yourselves.

Huda Shihab
‎21 2nsha2 allah

Huda Shihab
still 22---->27

Ehsan Abed Fattah
enshallah i will complete the rest

Ehsan Abed Fattah
please all read du3a2 el khitmeh (see my note).
take care, allah yberik fikoum w yetkabal minna

Angela W. Aslan
bro Hassan, can I take half of the chapters left?
If yes, please any three and inform me. May Allah
bless you !

Ehsan Abed Fattah
o.k , Angela can take 25-26-27, Please don't
forget to read du3a2 el khitmeh, see my note, god
bless you.

Ehsan Abed Fattah
May allah bless all of you, and bless Nour for
giving us the opportunity to do this :)

HasaN Jad El AouN
رب ارحمهما كما ربياني
صغيراجزاكي الله خيراُ أخت
نورفيديو مؤثر جداُ

Fatma Hassanein
‎7elw gedan

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