The Karate Kid Trailer (Sony Pictures)

07 Haziran 2011 Salı, 20:12

716 izlenme


Brad Jeffery
Looks terrible, ... Will Smiths is an idiot for
putting his son in this instead of just getting a
proper actor :/

Jaden Litwaitis
My real name is joke :):)

Addison Olijnyk
im not watching this dog crap, horrible movie,
horrible movie, horrible movie

Brandon Moshinski
Remember the Name - Fort Minor

Witha Ouy
If its *** jackie chan... then this movies *** to
be awesome, and *** you jackie poe you ugly shit

Brianna Greenwell
them boys were mean to that boy be a man

Mary Degregorio
I wasn't about this movie at first but now i
think it just might be growing on me at last!
i'm a huge miagy and old school karate kid
movie fan so of course i'll be watching very
carfully but all in all i think its gonna be
pretty cool...cant wait

Tony Piatt
i agree with witha oh

Jeremy Gee Jennings
Will be a good seeing, nice to see
willsmith's son taking on..

Lee Dewey
this is going to suck so bad.

Merican Made
<---More into classic martial arts, with cheesy
dialog and white powder kicks.

Dylan Mackenzie
dislike, original is way better.

Eric Piccoli

Michael Toskala Macfarlane
i dont understand the current remake trend...arnt
the people who are being paid millions of dollars
a year suppose to be making original ideas? have
they all ran out? ohh, no..they are just indie
movies and the big budget movies are the ones no
one cares about. confusing isnt it?

Amir Bengali

Nemo Tekleab
cool! finally a black ninja! jk not to be rascist.

Ryan McTurk
yayuhhh watch Will Smith's lil thug! kid is
gonna be big....for a couple of years, just like
most child stars lol

Christopher Shawn Turner
looks totally

Wei Gee
f***ing awesome! something to look forward to in

Andrés Clemente
Another remake? (sigh) Old crap with new looks is
still crap =o( ... on second thoughts, I think a
bad copy, like this one, is worse.

Wei Gee
oh wait just realized something.. why is it
'karate' kid in china?! china = kung
fu(gong fu)wtf man?!!

Addison Olijnyk
Horrible movie, this will be horrible

Daniel Nguyen
Love the homage to the original Karate Kid in the
end. Classic Jackie Chan comedy.

Audrey Meade
GO JACKIE!!! i looove him!!!

Shaheen Jahir

Casey Stewart

Espartaco Rondon Loaiza
This movie is gonna be good.

Elizabeth Hill Carman
Ooooo I wanna see that soooooooo bad.

Joshua Degreiff
Is okey the movie.But I don't like to much

Halit Can Er
Looks good film

Brandie Janice H
Wills son so cute!!!!!!!!!

Jonathan Spalla
i want too see that

Steve Smith
Very stupid! Another re-make because Hollywood has
ran out of idea's.

Athena Marie
omg! i want to see this!

Chris Bobus
‎/Dislike. Thanks for playing a part in ruining
a classic, Sony.

Samuel Roman
Why write a new script when you can rehash an old
one. Remakes suck!

Luis Oscoy
I've always been fan of the karate kid, this
remake looks better.

Michael McQuaid
Jackie Chan is too young looking to play an old
martial arts teacher

Mark Knoth

Chris Gould
this movie is going to suck soooooooooo bad!!!
this is not even going to be worth the dvd rental.

Ivan Rafael Yglesia
I can't wait to see this movie.

Six Sax

Sharon Bond-tart
Looking good Jaden. Keep up the good work. LaVon

André Agria
nice movie

Eyob Etifu
nice looks

Mayank Gupta

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