The Last Airbender - Trailer 1 [HD]

07 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi, 22:48

917 izlenme


Megat Kurniawan
this is a great movie...........

Fabián Peña Sánchez
It's exelent.....Definitivament

Finn Andersen
this looks realy promesing

Lindsay Dutch

Azizudin Abdullah
i like the last trailer..all fire nation ship come
to destroy the avatar temple..huhuhuhu

Joseph Flores

Yasmin Contarus
Does anyone know the title of the music starting
from 0:55? If you know could you please reply me,
send me a message ? It's beautiful.

Natalie Adele Euringer
‎(Its Toph, btw) And M. Night blahblahblah
(Can't spell his name xD) hopefully
didn't ruin this movie! D:

Mohammed Diab

Leialoha Tumbaga
WOAH! it's so cool. Now I can't wait to
watch the movie.

Chris Muller
I think this movie's just gonna be book 1. i
hope they make books 2 and 3

Fatihhan Şimşek

Ian 'Starz' Buffonge
this movie is going to be great

Roui Janoba
can't wait to watch it!! this movie rocks!!

Umar Khan

James N Lovina Redner
hurry july 2nd come out so i can watch this movie

Itandehui Garrido
where is Toph???

Nicole Ysabel D. Mallari
wow this one is great!!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ☼

Reeya D'Prince

Reeya D'Prince
Is it a trilogy? like Avatar anime?

Terry J. Wood
Toph was in Season 2. This film only covers the
1st season.

Sam Seang
heyyy where in da world is Toph?? she's
important 2

Taylor MissPinky Robinson

Sachi Ranchez
Toph will come in the trilogy in the second film.

Dovie Ronny
im going to see it july 1 at 12:00am Im hype lol

Rebecca Adriana Reed
aw i have to wait for toph. sigh. shes my fav!

Nathaniel Berry
no shes not important

Marquise KiidFlawless Barnett
toph is the greatest earth bender

Quentin Figge
aww sweat im soo glad there not just going to cram
it in one whole movie that would suck hopefully
theres going to be some comedy though it looks all

Kimee Tay
toph's my fav too.. =]

Natalie Rose
are they fitting in all 3 season's from the
animation series in this movie? or are they doing
the 1st movie the 1st season...and so on??? cause
i don't wanna wait to see Toph or see more
than one scene of Suki!!!!

Ryuji Kusheida
‎....i cant w8 to watch it here on

Elijah Canlas
when will it show on philippines?!

Shreya Ale

Agnieszka Wątrobska
i love it!!! i can't wait any longer for this
film, but i'm really interesting of toph,
azula, mai, tay lee, suki... Will they appear in
this film???

Khairul Way
very cool

Irwin Antolis
in indonesia ?

Azry Emoch
I like .....................

Brenden Gay
when will it be all the elements?! :)

Dino Oktavian

Dalillah Salsabila
very Good acting Noah ringer

Dalillah Salsabila
not be asked, if the film The Last Airbender is to
be continuously or not?

Muhammad Naufal Syarif

Mohammad Ridwansyah Ario
amazing good :)

Melee Sylverstar
that routine aang did with his staff must have
taken long to get that perfect without dropping it
or hitting himself with it!

Raymond Baral
‎..where do i catch full video of this MOVIE??

Izon Ptc
very good..........

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