The Last Airbender - Trailer #2 [HD]

07 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi, 22:48

951 izlenme


Jorge Olivares Gallardo

Eric Vice
Woa!Cant waite!(Shes hot!!)

Casey Manansala
much awaited film this 2010!

Sherry Ivanna
Where's Appaaaa

Tammy HisMrs Mitchner
are they going to put all three books in one movie

Andrew S Weaver
No, this movie is just book 1. They're making
it a trilogy.

Kennet Hohl
i'm looking forwart for watching this film :D

Amanda Hill
WOW! Looks fantastic!

Tyler Collins
seen only minor things wrong but i understand why
except for no appa hes kinda important...

Başar Çetinkaya
i wanna appa

Moti Shushan
woooooooooooowwww omygoddd !!!!! loookksss great !
but why katara dont have the two hair nips !

Topher Grills

Adrian Duddy
If Appa is the Flying Byson I have seen him in the
background on one of the other trailers

Ritchie Trull
There will be an Appa. Trust me.

Alen Oral
CAN'T WAİT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sure
there will be an APPA.

Chris Oh
Why is katara so ugly?

Kynthia Fritz
no Appa was in the first book

Portgaz D Ace

Indri Hapsari Esti
i really like katara wooooowwwww...............

Nolan Alzol
no!! appa appeared on the first book!! remember on
the iceberg?? he was with aang..

Maria Vooy
ya, thats true. he did

Jovic Austria
Appa is there.. but the editor didn't show
Appa first..

Gongui Chavez
this movie is going to make more then 500 million

カワイイ キョン

Franz Lorenzo Iban
not just 500 million i think its more than!

Ashley Marie Relleve
best video...!!!

Mauricio Ferruccio Lamborghini
yeah!!! june needs 2 hurry up lol 1 of the best
movies of the this year even better than Iron man
i hope

Shiva Shankar
gonna beat 'The Sixth Sense' in overall

Ephraim Maaku Taylor
This reminds me of the Matrix for some reason.
e.g. The chosen one...last living
intense opposition of forces.

Hector Javier Capurro
lo mas abatar lo estaba esperando supero el anime

Xhiao Le
it's awsome,im excited to watch it.........

Megan Baker
When i first saw this I couldnt stop watching it.
Cant wait to see Sokka and Katara my favorite

Rian Sukma Wibisana
fantastic..cant wait to see this kicking our

Alexandra Strhanova
guys..*** a sokka playing the same
acter that plays jasper in twilight?..!!! urgh

Lw Nott
Yes, Jackson Rathborne plays Sokka. I think it
would be better if he played Zuko, and Dev played
Sokka, but now I'm starting to like them both
in their respective roles. Perhaps that's
because Jackson looks great, no matter what
character h...

Angeline Akut-Galgo
I can't wait to see this movie...I really
loved watching the animated version of Avatar
a.k.a the last airbender that's why I'm
so excited to see this movie....It's really
fantastic and great movie ever!

Rhiry Andi Nurul Fitriani
good film,,,but No time for waitng it!!!

Leo Roster
fantastic i cant wait to watch the last airbender

Tony Switzer
I read the movie novelization book and I have to
say M. Night did an EXCELLENT job! I'm very

Gabriel Dobleg Genao
man now i know why aang likes katara so much!!

Natalie Rose
epic. (:

Shreya Ale
zuko has no scar!

Chris J. Bennett
‎@Shreya Ale: Maybe if they manage to make a
sequel the make-up people will do a better job
with it.

Anthony Wilson
wasnt kitara black in the anime and manga

Chriz Balueta
wat syt i can the full movie??

Andi Noviar Annas

Mhairi Siobhan Whitaker
avater in the series look so hot and now he isnt

Fernandez Suárez
oppo ea

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