The Lovely Bones - Trailer 1 [HD]

08 Ağustos 2010 Pazar, 07:29

1291 izlenme


Rafael Valdivieso
The book was brilliantly written. I look forward
to the onscreen adaptaion.

Anna Millett
It looks like it follows the book to the T!!! I
hope it's as***azing as it looks

Peg Deschamps Turley
This looks fantastic!! The casting is perfect! I
can't wait to see it, it looks very close to
the book.

Kirsten Raridon
The book was***azing! Held me through all the
pages! When one of my best friends told me he saw
a trailer for The Lovely Bones i could not belive
it! Can wait and save me a set!

Alisha Marie Smith
i havent read the book, but the movie looks
amazing, :|

Kevin Luck
Haven't yet read the book. Will watch the
movie first to see how it works as a movie THEN
read the book since people recommend it so highly.
The trailer certainly shows great promise for the
movie and some impressive visuals.

Kristin Cardinal
IM SO EXCITED! This book is***azing, and it looks
like this will be good

Tanya Glover
i loved this book, it is one of those stories
that makes you think and sticks in your mind

Rosa Elena Reyes
im soooo excited!

Wissa Queen
i cant wait to see this , i have the book and i
love it

Sigifredo Espinoza
i've never read the book.. i've never
even heard of it, until now, n now i must read the
book n watch the movie... its looks like it's
ging to be one of the best movies ever!!!

Alexis Ann Detki
The book was***azing i can only hope that the
movie will be half as good as it was.

Johnnah Dixon Crocker
The book is AMAZING! I suggest a reading of it
before OR after seeing the movie! I *** mine on
Amazon for like less than $5.00! With the movie
coming out, there may be a paperback released.

Annabelle Torres
ive seen this trailer soooo many times i wanna c

Celia Sanfilippo
one of the most***azing books ive ever read will
always stick in my mind I hope the movie is at
leastHALF as great as the book was

Jazmin Olivia-Rose
this HAS to be the best book ive read in my

Rachel Torne
I neeeeeeed to see that movie. I*** going to see
it on the 11th when it comes out.

Tori Hain
tht guy so killed her

Katherine O'Neal
Dude me too, Im so going to cry, Im bringing
tissues with me when I go to see this haha not
even kidding

Mary Rosalia Andersen

Dahlia Abdelaal
itcomes out 15

Chelsea Anderson
the locker she ues is mine(:

Kamee Keeton
omg i so*** crying to bad for her

Aly Neath
looks SO good i*** also bringing tissues (tear)

Alex Crosier
that loks so good im going to see it today :)

Demi Lovoto
you guys are such good fans. i hope you like the
movie Alex.

Maddie Burks
I thought that it was a very good movie and icant
wait to see it again!!

Amber Spruill
havent seen it yet but cant wait ,,me and my
girlfriends are making a GNO out of it ♥

Ashley Renz
your not the real demi lovoto

Ana Barbara Olivia Hernandez
i liked the movie and now im reading the book i
hope its just as good as the movie

Allison Lysien
The best movie can't get enough of it!

Allison Lysien
I think this trailer gives to much of it away!
Like Mr. Harvery tords the end.. Yea...

Nicole Valenti
I ♥ this movie soooo much

Nicole Valenti
Why would they give the ansewer that justis did
not come?!?!?!?

Abby Soesbe
I just *** this on dvd today and i love it!

Emily Weston
***azing movie!

Abigail Leathem
the moviewas sad

Leslie Link
i really like this movie but it was pretty sad

Wissa Queen
i cant wait to see this , i have the book and i
love it

Sigifredo Espinoza III
i've never read the book.. i've never
even heard of it, until now, n now i must read the
book n watch the movie... its looks like it's
ging to be one of the best movies ever!!!

Alexis A Detki
The book was***azing i can only hope that the
movie will be half as good as it was.

Johnnah Dixon Crocker
The book is AMAZING! I suggest a reading of it
before OR after seeing the movie! I *** mine on
Amazon for like less than $5.00! With the movie
coming out, there may be a paperback released.

Annabelle Krista-lee
ive seen this trailer soooo many times i wanna c

Celia Sanfilippo
one of the most***azing books ive ever read will
always stick in my mind I hope the movie is at
leastHALF as great as the book was

Odette Kurland
I can't wait to see this. I read the book,
BRILLIANT and I also have a signed first edition
first print copy of the USA 2002 book for sale if
anyone is interested. I*** in the UK.

Emma Sinclair
im sooo gonna cry in cinema, just watching the
trailer gave me chills...great book :)

Rachel Torne
I neeeeeeed to see that movie. I*** going to see
it on the 11th when it comes out.

Tori Hain
tht guy so killed her

Kat O'Neal
Dude me too, Im so going to cry, Im bringing
tissues with me when I go to see this haha not
even kidding

Mary Fishy Andersen

Dahlia Abdelaal
itcomes out 15

Chelsea Anderson
the locker she ues is mine(:

Kamee Keeton
omg i so*** crying to bad for her

Aly Neath
looks SO good i*** also bringing tissues (tear)

Aly Neath
looks SO good i*** also bringing tissues (tear)

Raegan Parham

Alex Crosier
that loks so good im going to see it today :)

Demi Lovoto
you guys are such good fans. i hope you like the
movie Alex.

Maddie Burks
I thought that it was a very good movie and icant
wait to see it again!!

Amber Spruill
havent seen it yet but cant wait ,,me and my
girlfriends are making a GNO out of it ♥

Ashley Renz
your not the real demi lovoto

Ana Barbara Olivia Hernandez
i liked the movie and now im reading the book i
hope its just as good as the movie

Ana Barbara Olivia Hernandez
i liked the movie and now im reading the book i
hope its just as good as the movie

Allison Lysien
The best movie can't get enough of it!

Allison Lysien
The best movie can't get enough of it!

Allison Lysien
I think this trailer gives to much of it away!
Like Mr. Harvery tords the end.. Yea...

Nicole Valenti
I ♥ this movie soooo much

Nicole Valenti
Why would they give the ansewer that justis did
not come?!?!?!?

Nass Ousseine
i liked the movie....a very good trailer

Abby Soesbe
I just *** this on dvd today and i love it!

Emily Weston
amazing movie!

Caridad A. Castro Martinez
me encantooooooooo la pelicula de lovely bones

Abbi Leathem
the moviewas sad

Leslie Link
i really like this movie but it was pretty sad

Darian Alyse
very sad but good movie

Sheikh Akhtar Mohammad
hi every body i*** new in facebook so i want to
add some friends kindly positive minded persons
send me request of add please...waiting for yours
people positive response

Sabrina Garzon
this movei made me cry it is the best

Sabrina Swienski
i love this movie it made me cry:(

Dari Romero
when i saw this movie i couldn't stop

Candice Bermudez
just such a beautiful movie ♥ nuff said

Kaja Michałowicz
I read the book which was great, but haven't
seen the film yet. It must be awesome!

Iolana Angel Iolana
made me cry because...

Julissa Hurtado
i like this movie its my favorite movie in
the world

Alex Dinho Full Hdtv
so cute movie

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