The Official Lost Music Video! [HQ]

14 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba, 14:23

1045 izlenme


Carolyn Gazzara
Love it !! I cant wait

Elaine Christopher
I confess, I'm an addict!!!

Timothy Salt
Very Cool....ALL of it!

Farah Naz Malik
ahhh this gave me goosebumps!!! cant wait!!!♥

Shawn Lathrop
ONe more day!! I cant wait!

Shawn Lathrop
I love how they show the Koolau Mountain Range in
that one shot with LockeI used to live right at
the base of those mountains on the other side from
where they film the show.

Rebecca Harris
does anyone think theyve gone back in time? it
shows juliet finding the hatch or something like
it and a man with a yellow coat coming out of the
door of the hatch. anyone else think this?

Amr Mohammed
lost gooooooooooooood

SaLiha Mermer
lost very veryy goooooood

ŞeRef Şahin ❻❼
my favorite film LOST

Enes Kul
my fovarite flim lost ı love you lost:))....xD

Chris Bogart
I love lost because its such a F'up show
LOLI look forward to every episode

Sarab Alakhdar
loooooooooool ....lost greaaaaaaaaaatest

Carolina Robles
Aguante Lost!!!!!!!!!!I love this video =)

Facundo Barrueco

Chris Bogart
damn that's a good vidoe gave me chils lol

Marisita Cecer Nanio
Excelente video!!!!!!!

Pınar Bakış
lost hastasıyım jack ve keyt onları sayid
dosmant daniel çok beğeniyorm 5 sezondayım kaç
sezon devam etcekmiş acaba

Furkan Türker
bu sezon son

Esraa Alasmar
It's an***azing video I Love It

Ahmed AbdulHadi

Usame Çorman
‎2010 son. bu sezon deil .7. sezon son.
deliriiyorum bi dizi için:) bitsin baştan
seyredecem blue-rayde:D

Fayçal Bouchtiba
john locke is the king of lost

Ufuk Bolat
super bencede

Ümran Tetik Koç
orda olmak isterdim

Zahid Yıldırım
ya bu yabancılar mükemmel film yapıyorlar lost
bunun bir örnegi***a neden bizim türkler hep
aşk konularında dizi yapıyorlar bir anlamış
degillimm :(((şöyle bir fil yapsalarda izlesekk

Gülçem Gülcü
des des des !

Linda Lopez'
loo mejooor! lost es lo mejoory estee videooo de
verdaad! representaa LOST!the best show in the

Pritish Nair
The Best show mankind could ever make..! Well sad
its coming to an end..!It will always be
remembered! Cheers..!

Bahadır Aşkın
this season is last season its too bad

Juan Ignacio Marbán
Este video me emociona de verdad!!!!! no quiero
que esto

Vijay Gandhi
yup its the end of our favorite series

Saxx Verni
DIGAMOS QUE NO SE TERMINE no??Aguante lost !!! es
lo mas la serie la voy a echar de menos

Abdussamed Kayıran
İyice saçmalamaya başladılar...

Doqukan ךסףן
Perfectt !!

Emre Sezer

Andres Guizar
what a coincidence 108 days and they were rescued
and the button every 108 minutes :O...

Samantha Manville Byers
Ummm it was awesome, but where the heck are
Charlie and Claire?

Brianne Skye Stewart ﭢ
awesome ! i love it ! :)

Connor Daley
Only for a split second, either at the very end
of 1:34 or right at the beginning of 1:35,
you'll notice there's this logo that
randomly comes on the screen of a lion roaring and
holding a giant sun in its claws, with the words
"Ajira Airways" displayed directly
beneath it.

Shelby Ciaudella
And at about 2:34 there is a similar lion.

Megan Bishop
It's actually a tiger....Did anyone notice
that when Hurley is in the detainment room thing
and he sees charlie, right before the glass
shatters you can see on charlie's hand is
written "they need you"

Robin Hilpert
Love Lost!

Andrés F. García Sierra
Impossible forget.. I miss Lost and this video is
awesome, the music, the images and simple, is

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