THE TOURIST - Official Trailer [HD]

03 Aralık 2010 Cuma, 14:48

1287 izlenme


Gwen Roberts
Wonder how many times i will go and see this!!

Alexandra Degiorgio
December 10th!! i cant wait! :D

Nancy Prestriedge Knight
I can't wait either!!!!!

Gloria Denise Padrick Waurzyniak
Merry Early Christmas!

Hoodd Mohammed

Ana Aldana
They used Muse's "Map of the
Problematique"!!!! This movie rocks even
MORE! :D Can't wait to see it! :D

Jules Johnny's Angels
Not in the U.K. it isn't. Still no release
date for over here. :(

Katrina Wolf
This movie stars 2 of my favorite actors!! I
can't wait for it to come out!! The trailer
totally rocks!!

Raphael Salazar
Hechanse esta pija de pelicula que viene..

Nicola Moro
can't wait !!!! ^_^

Kimberly Carpio
oh... i'm so excited to watch this
movie!!!!...because johnny depp and anjelina jolie
will be together in the big screen!!! and take
note........FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!^_^ XDD

Kris Angel
yes cant wait !!!

Ki-chan Depp
cuma satu orang yang pengen w tonton yaitu,,, mas
johnny. mudah2an masuk ya di indonesia >,<

Supakit Seksuwan
nice trailer score!


David J. Baker
loooove the techno song towards the end of the
trailor....who does it?

Miguel Miranda
david it´s a song of muse call map of the

David J. Baker

Laura Zyśk
nie mogę się doczekać ;D

Ann Garcia
‎'you know i dont regret it..kissing

Ingrid Chamorro Mendez
ufffffffffffffff johnny depp and angelina jolie ,
are good actores. both make a pretty couple in the

Kimberly Carpio
johnny depp... the ***iest man alive... and a
good actor too!!!

Neil Manuel

Rosie Frescato Fawcett
cant wait!!

Marina Pozzi
Even I!

Qingqiu Ma
I can't wait!!!

Rahima MiiMii
Mmm! can't wait !

Jose M. Alvarez
There goes my lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more for
my collection.... Love her........Sorry

Shirley Briz Navarro
Oh Angie.... your very very pretty and very very
***y your my idol luve yah..........

Jan Fadell
can't wait!!

Jenny Broyles
Love you two , look forward to seeing this

Regan Michael
looks like a great movie can,t wait to see it

Deth Barnachea
‎....much awaited movie....(^_^)...

Christopher Clark
its look like johnny is james bond..

Mary Jo Goode
Johnny Depp is my favorite star. I will see the

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