The Twilight Cast on Oprah - Full show *part 1* [HQ]

29 Mayıs 2010 Cumartesi, 22:00

1888 izlenme


Laura Mahlik Jacobs
LOL when they walked in and Oprah was hugging each
of them, her hug lingered a little too long with
Taylor, lol.... looks like *someone* is Team
Jacob, teehee :D

Maja Brkljac
I just love Rob <333

Sahar Natasha Bolourian
Hahah! Laura sooo true!

Vesna Markovic
what are they talking about watching the movie
last night? ...... ...... :/

Imen Maalel
you can't imagine how thankfull i*** because
i can see the show in Tunisia (it's not
prodcast) but pleeeeeeeeeeaase can you put the
*part2**** dying over here

Julie 'Twinkle' Cole
Thankyou thankyou thankyou!!! =)

Zoe Etches
the audiance of oprah *** to watch eclipse :( its
funny robs like " i just want someone to pat
me on the back " and kristens just like.. pat
pat pat.

Vesna Markovic
aw ok

Sally Hanna Loutfi
ttttttttt​ ??? ok i*** very
:@@@@@ juuuuuuuuuummmmmmm

Mariem Cullen
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOve!OMG! he's always so funny,
you never except what's he's gonna
answer! and the audience of Oprah definetly ...
aah I'm speechless!

Kruti Mehta
kristen is so pretty.

Kelly Peters
i can't believe the audience has already seen
eclispe!!!! JEALOUS!

Karen 'TW' Cottrell
soooo funny there all great

Pritika Joy
omg rob is so down to earth type of guy. love him
for this..♥

Dwi Martha Jingga
Please come to Indonesia guys c0z we love you so

Sagrika Kasliwal
rob.......................​..luv ya♥

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