The Twilight Cast on Oprah - Full show *part4* [HQ]

12 Temmuz 2010 Pazartesi, 18:00

872 izlenme


Daniela Berini
Auguriii Rob!!!

Milena Bekyarova
You're great!=) Thnks a lot for posting all
these videos!=)

Elena Tatsi
is there a part 5???

thank s rob !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Thomas Pattinson - The actor - The musician
That's part 4!As the titles says...i'm
uploading right now the fifth and the last

Elena Tatsi
haha!i know...i*** mean IF there is also a part 5
as well...!! ok thanks a looooooot!!!!!!!

y are so good to be real.........i really admire
your talent...!!

Sally Hanna Loutfi
yeeeiiiii i wwait

Dilşad Ersoy
omgXDXDXDteam volturi

Sahar Natasha Bolourian
Im kind of pissed at Oprah for constantly
repeating that she's shy. Okay Oprah, we ***
it the first time when you had that long
conversation about her being shy, it's enough
now. Oprah seems to love emberrasing Kristen, and
Oprah seems to b...e a total fan of Taylor. I love
Oprah, but we get the message, she's shy.
Stop repeating it, you can see that she gets
emberrased when you say that!

Galène Kotanidou
hey robbert pattinson has birthday today..can i
ask sth?..does he know the existence of this page
on facebook...i mean has he seen this page before?

Mandy Hutchins
the show wasnt that great, she talked to taylor
and dakota way more. kristen was quiet the whole
time.. kinda disappointing, but still glad I
watched it.

Mariem Cullen
Dakota is so beautiful and look innocent I mean
not like the evil vampire!

Kruti Mehta
i read all 4 in one week as well...

Kruti Mehta
and i have the cutout

Kelly Peters
Robot Pattinson...LOL!!!!

Crecentiana Patricia
what happened with kristen's face?? she
looks upset..??

Pritika Joy
dakota is really sweet:)

Chrisa Koukaki
i read all 4 in 5 days

Zoe Virginia Etches
I read breaking dawn in 7 hours straight haha ;)

Daniela Dindy Berini
Auguriii Rob!!!

Milena Bekyarova
You're great!=) Thnks a lot for posting all
these videos!=)

Elena Tatsi
is there a part 5???

Melpw Papalexi
thank s rob !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Thomas Pattinson - The actor - The musician
That's part 4!As the titles says...i'm
uploading right now the fifth and the last

Elena Tatsi
haha!i know...i*** mean IF there is also a part 5
as well...!! ok thanks a looooooot!!!!!!!

Melpw Papalexi
y are so good to be real.........i really admire
your talent...!!

Sally Hanna Loutfi
yeeeiiiii i wwait

Dilşad Ersoy
omgXDXDXDteam volturi

Sahar Natasha Bolourian
Im kind of pissed at Oprah for constantly
repeating that she's shy. Okay Oprah, we ***
it the first time when you had that long
conversation about her being shy, it's enough
now. Oprah seems to love emberrasing Kristen, and
Oprah seems to be a total fan of Taylor. I love
Oprah, but we get the message, she's shy.
Stop repeating it, you can see that she gets
emberrased when you say that!

Galène Kotanidou
hey robbert pattinson has birthday today..can i
ask sth?..does he know the existence of this page
on facebook...i mean has he seen this page before?

Mandy Hutchins
the show wasnt that great, she talked to taylor
and dakota way more. kristen was quiet the whole
time.. kinda disappointing, but still glad I
watched it.

Mariem Cullen
Dakota is so beautiful and look innocent I mean
not like the evil vampire!

Kruti Mehta
i read all 4 in one week as well...

Kruti Mehta
and i have the cutout

Kelly Peters
Robot Pattinson...LOL!!!!

Crecentiana Patricia
what happened with kristen's face?? she looks

Pritika Joy
dakota is really sweet:)

Chrisa Koukaki
i read all 4 in 5 days

Dwi Martha Jingga
Please come to Indonesia guys c0z we love you so
much...♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥

Zoe Etches
I read breaking dawn in 7 hours straight haha ;)

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