The Twilight Cast on Oprah - Full show*part5* [HQ]

22 Mayıs 2010 Cumartesi, 16:45

1197 izlenme


Zoe Etches
aw thats sweet of kristen ;) thats what i love
about her. :) angry edward :DDDD

Linda Moxham
OMG I wasnt expecting to see that clip! Its one of
my fav parts of the book!

Mariem Cullen
yeah she 's so sweet, the girl is so lucky to
get this ring!I want to have the blue one she wear
in Twilight:)BYYYE Oprah

Ruth Bollinger
can't wait for the movie

Kruti Mehta
getting pummmppeedddd for the movie!

Beimarier Mendez
me encantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aaaaaa los

Lucía Finollo
Quiero más de Rob!!! :-/

Tessa Chin
ADmin or anyone do you guys know which caribbean
island that girl is from who *** the ring from

Elvira Hujiniyazi
That was awesome! Can't wait for the moviee

Crecentiana Patricia
omg....THAT WAS AWESOME!! :)

Kate Sisto
Think they said Bahamas. Could be wrong though.

Ananya Bhargava
Awesuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm ♥ ♥!!

Dwi Martha Jingga
Please come to Indonesia guys c0z we love you so
much...♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥

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