This video blew me away.... [HQ]

29 Mart 2011 Salı, 07:07

873 izlenme


Sahej Chaudhary
True Indian !!!

Gloria Farman
Please Ji if you would consider this
request...could you upload this on YouTube also? i
think this needs to go and should go and could go
'viral'. And may people be moved
watching this to support his efforts and follow
his example. Touches heart-mind deeply. Pranams.

Troi Walkerbouts
That guys a legend, need more humanitarians around
like him :)

Aynne Pryce
We can join him in his efforts right where we are.
A true humanitarian. An enlightened being. *♥*

Sherry Roberts
wow. . . it is so great to hear about the the good
things people are accomplishing in the world.

Lynn McCluskey
WOW..... I was moved to tears watching this !! I
just LOVE IT when ordinary people do EXTRA
ordinary things :-) *♥*ONE RACE ♥ ONE

Myrna Widlend
Really love it if you could upload this on
YouTube...the world needs this message:)

Tony Samara

Kathie Jamison Cote
What a beautiful human being. My heart is warmed
and my spirit lifted by the acts of this very kind
human. Imagine if we were all like this?

Pam Ela
pure love in action.what a human being!

Teresa R. Hernandez
Love, compassion and service to others....that is
true beauty!

Barbara Lupzig

Brenda Poulsen
If we ALL just gave a little bit of ourselves,
what a wonderful world we would live in! This man
is an inspiration. The light that shines from his
eyes as he talks about the people he helps. Love

Siddha Param
Yes! A reminder for all to act!

Cher Ami

Pam Ela
i watch this video everyday. :)

Kathie Jamison Cote
Exactly Brenda :) It's the light in his eyes

Kim Greenfield
♥ is the way, Thanks for the reminder Craig! ♥

Cathy Rose
a real hero and fabulous SOUL!!

Cathy Rose
thanks so much for sharing:D

Trent Ward
Bless him, and all others who have a heart for
their fellow human ♥

Denisa Aurora
I thlought I had a bad day, until I watched this
video...and I*** reminded; Start giving...

Lelania Bailey
Imagine if we all gave like this man...♥

Kim Greenfield
LeLania I think more people are like this man than
not : )

Imran S***ib
Great share...............Great Man ♥

Muno Wahab
This is true love.

Carol Ann Powers

Kim Greenfield
Each day is a chance to do it better ♥

Carey Sorrell
Unconditional Love!

Sushant Sud
that's a true indian....:)hat's of

Alicia Mary Smith
Wow! A True Inspiration of Unconditional Love! ♥

Princess Bertice Hopkins
double wow i love this man and his spirit he is a
humanitarian he is blessed with love and
compassion for life not just his but others that
is rare now a days!

Princess Bertice Hopkins
excellent video thanks for sharing!

Dawn Morningstar
How does he afford it if he quit his job? I want
to do that!!!

Mike Keller
Thank you.

Liliane Tarrab
The man the best I've ever seen.. an act of
heart***azing so beautiful and thanks for sharing
this video touched my heart.

Terry Nostra
INCREDIBLE INDIA... i miss you so much!!and this
man is so full of grace.we should vote for him and
not for berlugadafbamanamaste

Tertia Loebenberg Albertyn
awesome. what a hero. I love India

Phyllis Kay Aylor-Larson
Thank you for sharing. :) The highest position one
can hold is to serve the people. ♥♥♥

Laurie Maves
amazing- how do you find this man to donate?

Mike Keller
Laurie, I think the point here is, you DON'T
find him to donate, you look around your world,
your neighborhood, and you find someone to show
compassion and love to. I don't say this
harshly, but just as a point of clarification to
how I see it...please don't take offense to
my words.

Frank Martin
The man is indeed a hero for us all. An example of
what compassion is all about. I loved his comment
about us all having the same***ount of blood . . .
treat all people the same. I was in Bangalore in
October - sooo many people EVERYWHERE. Lots of
poverty , yet it's known as the "Silicon
Valley of India" . . . there is no excuse for
so many in the world living without food, water,
and shelter . . . and LOVE . . .

Nancy McDonough V Hooker
such a beautiful man :)

Patricia Stansell

Ken Sheetz
Marvelous. The Oneness of 2012 is coming.

Barbara Straughn
Thank you so much for sharing this - please share
it on YouTube so we can send it around the world
for all to see. This lovely man deserves to be
nominated for every single award that exists - he
is a shining example to us all - to go out and
help wherever we can, whenever we can. The joy is
in giving ............. Love is all xxx

Melissa Yoes

Adrian Pon
how do we contact the guy?

Thomas Fruge
What a Beautiful soul

Mittal SK

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