Transformers: Dark of the Moon- New Trailer!

23 Mayıs 2011 Pazartesi, 00:56

1021 izlenme


Steven Tín Trung Ngô

Jordan Rennick
this isnt new its like nearly a month old

Salazar Ahmed

Nathan Daniels
AMAZING!!! I go to the cinema on July 1st!!!

Tony Mayberry
i.m so my self transformers dark of the moon will
be out at the end of june 29

Dylan van Gaalen
The part where optimus says the fight is
"your own" could be at the beginning and
then once they get the deceptivons to come to
earth the autobots decide to help?

Valerie Ansiel Miller
This is gonna be awesome!! I can't wait! :)

Agustinus Tony
but the f**kn d**mn thing, it won't play in

Ryan Mcginness
Epic summer

Manuel Sanchez
omfg i can not wait tell this movie is out!!!!!

Brandon Farrelly
Those new, extra few clips are pretty cool. I
especially like the ones with Optimus and Ratchet
walking through the Ark.

Luis Miguel Rodriguez Gonzalez
ala k chingon O.O

Selvin Djsatelite Sanchez baby!!! OPTİMUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Andres Garcia Restrepo
if you like movies wonderful..this is

Christine Holden
Wow this should be good, I can't wait for
this to come out ....

Larry King
TF3 will be the summertime blockbuster to see.
Cant Wait!!!!!............JUNE 29th!!!!

Tanmoy Das
Wow i cant wait!!

Nima Afrasiabian
Cant wait!!!

Timothy Spear

Simon Delaney
Looks more grown up and darker which is needed i
think michael bay as done well and i adore the
transformers films.

Rudy Reyna Jr.
Ganna be throwed...optimus is ganna b a beast!

Luis Rodrigo Alvarado

Jd Barker-Maskew
Sweet!! Can't wait!

Carlos Ignacio Vidal Rojas
necesito ver esa pelicula,, ome voy a volver

Andrei Maceda

Luigi Rinaldo
When's the new trailer?

Ryan Hagwood
Im so seeing this the first day it comes out.

Oliver Luis Santillan Fanárraga
no puede ser mejor cada dia es mejor

Stinkn Andrew Lolzz Weng

Stinkn Andrew Lolzz Weng
Transformers Dark Of The Moon!!!!!

Stinkn Andrew Lolzz Weng

Stinkn Andrew Lolzz Weng
I like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aliep Loewhour D'Arco

Vivek Ghodke
Gonna be the the master piece of Bay.....watching
for sure....Awesome.......

Muhammad Kamil Kadarusman
Cool Dude...

Aakash Jadhav
awesome tralior!!

Leon Leo Cutura
oh mein ***t so cool

Bagoezt Zmyle
wow... its***azing... man,...!!!

Umut Sustam
bu filme gidecem

Sait Turan Cosar
dehşet bişi ha .d

TyJuan Moore
Has anybody seen Megatron or Starscream in any of
the trailers.

Evan-Allan Matanane
Ive seen star Scream But i have not seen Megatron
But i know hes innit! lolzXD

Dakota Deutsch
the ending is the best! optimus vs the driller

Jerid Anderson

Chris McKenna
Theres only 3 new parts but this is still epic

Arun Chauhan
dis is realy osam man. .i cant wait for dis
terrific moments. .

Fernando Adorno
ready 4 it

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