
14 Eylül 2010 Salı, 18:14

747 izlenme


Rosie DeAngelo

Becca Lemme
miss you ricky

Dionna PridGeon
luv u ricky!

Tessa Juliette
ugh i miss dancing so much sarah you are***azing

Christian Denice
you and your choreography are beautiful. miss
you. thanks for the inspiration.

Meredith Schultz
love it!

Michael Gross

Jeff Wolfe
I just did a duet to landslide a week ago my bf
made for a friend and I for our AIDS benefit.

Cat Rendic
RICKY i lovee uuuu!!! SARAH, i want to be u when
i grow up!!!!! TEACH MEEEEE

Mayda Cordero
awww! Love this song! How can I not watch you
Ricky??!!!Ii know what you mean, though! It
happens to me too:) I can never remember my own
dances. LOL!

Mayda Cordero
You've done a wonderful job with her!
She's awesome!

Sarah Gee

Javier Perez
sarah, you work me down

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