Tsunami Footage [HD]

16 Mart 2011 Çarşamba, 19:52

2434 izlenme


Cici Pennington
So Jake, If I were you I wouldn't be so proud
to stand up and say you do not vote, do not
believe that it is necessary to educated yourself
and elect the best person you feel will carry
forth the ideals and goals we profess to believe
in. I personally feel sorry for you.

Jacob Kendrick Mccorry
i dont feel sorry for me i have a learning
disbility thoes who feel sorry for me get over it.
i'm different so get used to it.

BĦǻrǻt Leppard
Look at the devastation caused and look at the
amount of Time it was caused in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gerri Bolton
‎"Not everyone feels that way, obviously,
but I was kind of surprised that those who did
were the Christians."..........THAT

Rita Joannou

BĦǻrǻt Leppard
not to hard to guess i feel.................

Hanssamm Apolinar
‎...GOD bless Japan and its people... Amen...!

Cici Pennington
I don't feel sorry for your inability to
spell Jake, that isn't important, I feel
sorry you seem to want to make excuses for not
even trying to do the right thing. Just do the
right thing. AND that means that right now, we
stop the fussin...

Rita Joannou

Mette Godlund
Poor people, it is really sad.

Courtney Lee Provance
jacob if u dont wann vote dont and if u wanna
break the law and not sign a draft card thats ur
right cus ur an***erican but cici look around and
see who is running our country. did u vote for
them or the other guy? i vote and more often than
not feel it was a waste of my time standing in
line cus when it comes down to it. the people in
power do whats best for them NOT us.

Mick Rush
That's ur MOTHER NATURE Talking !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stewart Fike
Chile, New Zealand and now Japan...wasn't
this foretold?

Mark Harshbarger
cici vote? really for what another corrupt
politician to join the sea of other corrupt
politicains the gov as a whole is terrible and if
you think your going to change anything without
starting over with new people voted in for every
position across the board all at one time your as
you like to put it stupid

Amanda Nunya-Bidness
Learn to swim.Cuz I'm praying for rainAnd
I'm praying for tidal wavesI wanna see the
ground give way....

Cici Pennington
Rita, we have pretty much agreed here, GOD,
and my Aunt Mary, who personally do feel is a
saint and somewhere in the ether, doing good works
still, did NOT cause the earthquake, nor is it
KARMA. It is because this is the EARTH, a living
planet, with a core and molten lava inside and
plates that shift and pressure builds up and then
KABOOM, all the laws of physics just start falling
like dominos and there is an earthquake. very

Mick Rush

Mick Rush

Gerri Bolton
‎2 Cor 5:19-21 "God was IN Christ,
Reconciling the world unto Himself, NOT holding
their trespasses against them, and HE has given
unto US the ministry of Reconciliation............

Gerri Bolton
What are these 'christians' going to say
when it happens here???

Charles Sutton
I couldn't imagine what they are going
through. What terror it must be to experience
that on top of such a massive quake. If there
were ever a reason to pray for miracles on
someone's behalf, I can't think of a
better reason than this. God be with them. Give
them peace and strength and courage to get through
the things they are facing now, and will face in
the future. Poor out your love, grace and mercy
to each an every person that affected by this
either directly or indirectly.

Sharon Jackson
I cannot believe people are using this forum to
fight... Very sad.

Steve Anderson
Sea Sheppard says bad bloody luck

Sharon Jackson
Let's look at the biiger picture here &
unite. All
love & strength to Japan Xx

Cici Pennington
Mark, sitting there and not at least trying to
believe that our vote does matter, and this
country does matter, and our rights do matter is a
bit scarier than my belief that a few people here
are ignorant. YOU want to cop out and whine

Ellen Hoover Rishel
The sound puts everything in focus. Horrible. And
oh btw, I do not believe that GOD will punish ALL
people with something as this. HE is NOT a mean
God that would make us suffer such as this.

Wattie Robson
cant imagine what these folk are goin through.
we're lucky stayin in britain, we grump if it
rains or feels a bit cauld.

Gary Michael Davis
Courtesy and acknowledgement to Damian/Mark:
If you criticize
religion, then every so often somebody will say to
you quite disapprovingly, "You may not have
faith in God, but you could show a bit more
respect ...

Jan Mechierek

Sharon Jackson
Mother Earth is purging, reacting to our treatment
of her over the generations.. Sad that lives are
lost, very much so. But I pray that we can create
a better world & higher collective
consciousness due to all these changes. The time
is NOW. Paradigm shifts are taking place all over
the world, internally, externally. We have no
choice but to jump on board. Let's do this
together, as one people. Let the tribes re-unite
during this coming age of new awareness. We have
been waiting for this time..

Cici Pennington
COURTNEY: at least you tried and that's all
we all can do. Try to work within the system, try
the best we can to elect the right people.
Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we get it
wrong. I think we *** it right with Abraham
Lincoln ...

Julie Perkins Brown
OMGosh.some of you people are pitiful!!!!!!! This
disaster has completely been for***ten about in
the past few posts. My prayers go out to the
people (not just Japanese) that are dealing with

Vina Ventura Temanel
lets just pray for everyone....

Tracey Ginter
BTW, I have seen much of this footage on the
nightly news. However, this version has much more
impact due to the length and the sound. Everyone
impacted by this natural disaster stays in my

Cici Pennington
GERRI: When it happens here, they will say that
Hollywood *** what is coming to them, all that
porn and sin and violent movies and most of all,
because Charlie Sheen had it coming to him LOL

Steven Gramps Trypuc
get a life yuall

Ellen Hoover Rishel
Julie you are sooooooo right and isn't it sad
that it has become what it is. God bless these
people that have not yet seen the worse of this.

Marlon Ransome
Some of these comments do prove that many of you
are simply insane, and insensitive, also cruel. I
stand with Julie Perkins Brown's comment.

Alex Sinclair
ome of the comments on here beggar belief.
Thousands of people died and yet some of you are
more interested in making snide comments about
Japan's record on animal rights or arguing
with each other.

Mark Harshbarger
all i love my country and democracy but not the
greed ridden fools who run it now. and i have not
given up, we th people need to take our country
back but it's not going to happen with the
current voting system. if you know of a way to

Alex Sinclair
Thanks for posting the film, very informative and
deeply shocking.

Cyana Lopez-Matta
Courtney,,I was merely answering the point you
posted.You must understand and by your chosen
lifestyle sound as if you do that one thing
affects the other. We live on the planet and
affect it and the planet as seen on he video
effects us.It...

Leonie Incognito
Whether the earth's weather events are new
calamities or they have always cycled this way and
we are only now aware thanks to modern video
technology, is less important than the worlds
human inhabitants taking notice of the planet once

Syed Ismail
Pray for them !!!!

Sheridan Ayers
Unbelievable. To see this from start to that point
in such a few minutes..Amazing coverage. I sure
hope those people on the buildings are ok.

Ellen Hoover Rishel
Mark is this REALLY the place to post your views
on the government in the USA??? We are looking at
something that hopefully we will not see in the
USA and thinking, or should be, about the lives
lost and the suffering people are going through.
Take your remarks to another post.

Cici Pennington
Vina, great and after you pray, ACT and send
whatever you can to alleviate the suffering.
prayer isn't going to get them clean water
and rebuild their homes. CASH will. PLEASE,
HELP. The government of Japan has asked that even
the corporate world, that usually donates
equipment or drugs like penicillin or blankets to
please not do that, and to please just donate
whatever money they can afford.

Rose SaintClair
OMG My thoughts and prayers are with the poor
Japanese people''how terribly sad!!!! to
anyone that is being mean or nasty'you just
need to loose some one that you love to understand
only a patch of what these poor people are
enduring!! show some respect!!!!

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