Tuba Büyüküstün görenlere ''maşallah'' dedirtti

20 Temmuz 2010 Salı, 07:00

2332 izlenme


Müjde Azer
R-Gaby Angel she was asked whether it's true
that she will get married this summer but of
course, she doesn't answer and hurries up
instead. Not because she flees but since she must
get somewhere and is late as she says. And then
they naturally say how beautiful she is and that
her dress is very awesome and I think it is :)))
great colour and a bit of Asi's style ;)

Bahri Abderrahmen Gharbi
si i ll travet to turky i have any sollution to
visit you

Rahaf-Gaby Angel
aaaah Thnx Mujde ..I hope she'll get
married..and i agree her dress is awesome :))
she is always beautiful

Müjde Azer
It was nothing R-Gaby Angel ;) don't know
whether she should marry or not cause I don't
like her guy :D but her dress is definetely great

EmirHan Acıkyürek
tuba cok başarılısın dizini beyeniyoruz

Semra Gültekin
i think they found her at first time on a street
in turkey, because usually the Turkish Reporters
never meet her in streets only in events
(sometimes) onces a year :D

Rahaf-Gaby Angel
Yeaaaaaaaah i know thanx everyboady :))) Alll of
u are nice :)

Müjde Azer
Semra I think that such a beautiful girl should
be on streets more often :D

Nadia Nouri
ahh ok ! thanks

Tülay Erden
cok güzelmis herkes buarada Tuba ablayi
gördüler =)

Semra Gültekin
of course you know what, there are so stupid and
ugly actors of women and they are so often on
streets, when such beautys hide themselfs thats
very pity, but maybe she´ll be more often in
istanbul streets:D

Müjde Azer
oh I hope so since I'll be in istanbul this
summer :Dwould be great so see her :) don't
know why but a lot of people say that I resemble
her in a way so it would be funny to see her :)

Semra Gültekin
yes i think we all want to meet her at one time
in ist. when she is walking down the streets.. The
one and only phenomenon is her Eyes.. i think you
have the same eye colour like her this is why they
resemble her and i think its a big hon...o for
you to look like her :D we all dream of this

Hatice Kübra Yüksel
neden cevap vermiyor ki acelesi olmasa da pek
yüz vermiyor gibime geldi

Süeda Düzgün
bende onu birgün görmek istiyorum:(

Semra Gültekin
what surprise me at most is that all the other
people who are walking over her and dont see her
and the reporter, i think they dont noticed Tuba
maybe they are blind^^

Sevgi Işık

Zeynep Kaplan
şarkıda tam uymuş:)))

M*** Ali Mansour
cooooooooooooook tatlisinnnnnnnnn

Demet Çankaya
süper ve çok tatlı yaaaaaaaaa

Arzu Özkan
way bee tuba'ya baaak,muhabiri iyi bozmuş
bi çekilin,bi huzur werin:)

Ömer Işık
döveceksin böyle muhabirleri ya, nasil sakin
kalmis Tubam anlamadim :)

EYyüp SabRİ Uçar
bu kızı görüpte maşallah demiyen domuz gribi
olsun kene ısırsın kuş giribi olsun vel hasıl
allah belasını versin :) :) :)

Mohcine Idrissi
that's a good life tuba love you

Tuğba Şahin
sadece güzel değil kibar nazik birtaneeee

Miraç Ceza

Gnca Akblt
maşallah maşallah ♥

Hatice Güzel

Şerife Kekeç
seni çook seviyorum ve ayrıcaçok güzelsin

Ramazan Kesici
bir gün işala tanışırız işalah

Mehmet Gezer
maşallah allah nazarlardan saklasın AMİN

Ceylin Çoynak
dizilerini çok beğeniyorum

Şuğra Akkuş
bir insan bu kadar mı güzel ve tatlı olur

Abdullah Dinç
ben bu hatuna bayılıyom dnyada onun kadar
güzelini görmedim

Julian Perwan
eee olsunh o kadar daa

Julian Perwan
yaw işi var bırak *** bogaz etme konuşmak
ıstemıyor işte reklama ıhtıyacı

Sara Dalgıç
bitanem ya

Rabia Sena Kızılkaya

Julian Perwan
nasıl yanee *?

Nazlı Hilal Coşkun
çok tatlııııı

Hasret Arakiz
sonunda kiz kac kere nezaketli sekilde hayir
diyor bu hasba magazinciler anlamiyor
:))))))))))) burdaki magazinci cocuk sonunda
anlayis göstermis iyi :))) yoksa israrlar
karsisinda dayanamayip biri delirdimide $ok $ok
bilmem kim nasil deli...rdi diye yansitirlar,,bazi
magazinciler harbi falakalik oluyorlar

Hasret Arakiz
Hatta tr deki magazincilerin cogu icin
magazinciden ziyade yol kesenler diyebiliriz

Müjde Azer
R-Gaby Angel she was asked whether it's true
that she will get married this summer but of
course, she doesn't answer and hurries up
instead. Not because she flees but since she must
get somewhere and is late as she says. And then
they naturally say how beautiful she is and that
her dress is very awesome and I think it is :)))
great colour and a bit of Asi's style ;)

Abdovsky Aji
si i ll travet to turky i have any sollution to
visit you

Rahaf-Gaby Angel
aaaah Thnx Mujde ..I hope she'll get
married..and i agree her dress is awesome :))
she is always beautiful

Nesrine Kéfi
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Müjde Azer
It was nothing R-Gaby Angel ;) don't know
whether she should marry or not cause I don't
like her guy :D but her dress is definetely great

EmirHan Acıkyürek
tuba cok başarılısın dizini beyeniyoruz

Gültekin Semra
i think they found her at first time on a street
in turkey, because usually the Turkish Reporters
never meet her in streets only in events
(sometimes) onces a year :D

Rahaf-Gaby Angel
Yeaaaaaaaah i know thanx everyboady :))) Alll of u
are nice :)

Müjde Azer
Semra I think that such a beautiful girl should be
on streets more often :D

Nadia Nouri
ahh ok ! thanks

Tülay Erden
cok güzelmis herkes buarada Tuba ablayi
gördüler =)

Gültekin Semra
of course you know what, there are so stupid and
ugly actors of women and they are so often on
streets, when such beautys hide themselfs thats
very pity, but maybe she´ll be more often in
istanbul streets:D

Müjde Azer
oh I hope so since I'll be in istanbul this
summer :Dwould be great so see her :) don't
know why but a lot of people say that I resemble
her in a way so it would be funny to see her :)

Gültekin Semra
yes i think we all want to meet her at one time
in ist. when she is walking down the streets.. The
one and only phenomenon is her Eyes.. i think you
have the same eye colour like her this is why they
resemble her and i think its a big hono for you
to look like her :D we all dream of this haha

Hatice Kübra Yüksel
neden cevap vermiyor ki acelesi olmasa da pek yüz
vermiyor gibime geldi

Süeda Dzgn
bende onu birgün görmek istiyorum:(

Gültekin Semra
what surprise me at most is that all the other
people who are walking over her and dont see her
and the reporter, i think they dont noticed Tuba
maybe they are blind^^

Zeynep Kaplan
şarkıda tam uymuş:)))

M*** Mansour
cooooooooooooook tatlisinnnnnnnnn

Lubna Aljarah

Demet Çankaya
süper ve çok tatlı yaaaaaaaaa

Arzu Özkan
way bee tuba'ya baaak,muhabiri iyi bozmuş bi
çekilin,bi huzur werin:)

Ömer Işık
döveceksin böyle muhabirleri ya, nasil sakin
kalmis Tubam anlamadim :)

Eyyüp Sabri Uçar
bu kızı görüpte maşallah demiyen domuz gribi
olsun kene ısırsın kuş giribi olsun vel hasıl
allah belasını versin :) :) :)

Mohcine Idrissi
that's a good life tuba love you

Tuğba Şahin
sadece güzel değil kibar nazik birtaneeee

Miraç Gönül Yorgunu

Gnca Akblt
maşallah maşallah ♥

Ibrahim Halil Azizoğlu

Hatice Güzel

Şerife Kekeç
seni çook seviyorum ve ayrıcaçok güzelsin

Ramazan Kesici
bir gün işala tanışırız işalah hanımefendi

Mehmet Gezer
maşallah allah nazarlardan saklasın AMİN

Şuğra Akkuş
bir insan bu kadar mı güzel ve tatlı olur

Abdullah Dinç
ben bu hatuna bayılıyom dnyada onun kadar
güzelini görmedim

Julian Seydvan
eee olsunh o kadar daa

Julian Seydvan
yaw işi var bırak *** bogaz etme konuşmak
ıstemıyor işte reklama ıhtıyacı

Sarah Dlgç
bitanem ya

Rabia Sena Kızılkaya

Julian Seydvan
nasıl yanee *?

Nazlı Hilal Coşkun
çok tatlııııı

Hasret Arakiz
sonunda kiz kac kere nezaketli sekilde hayir diyor
bu hasba magazinciler anlamiyor :)))))))))))
burdaki magazinci cocuk sonunda anlayis göstermis
iyi :))) yoksa israrlar karsisinda dayanamayip
biri delirdimide $ok $ok bilmem kim nasil delirdi
diye yansitirlar,,bazi magazinciler harbi
falakalik oluyorlar :))))))))

Hasret Arakiz
Hatta tr deki magazincilerin cogu icin
magazinciden ziyade yol kesenler diyebiliriz

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