Turkey Life

25 Aralık 2010 Cumartesi, 10:36

1266 izlenme


Michelle Chou
X is always so***azingggggggggggggg!!!! :)

Batuhan Uzundumlu
while ı whatching this video ı felt one more
time ı really missed you :'(

Kevin Jean
To yogurt : Yes it is : )

Kevin Jean
To Batuhan : i miss you too... all of you ! Have
fun and good luck in high school : )

Tomo Cheng
你的照片表情都一樣耶!!! XD

Wendy Lai

Kevin Jean
哪有哪有哪有 一定是你看錯了 !

Andrea Chovanova
really***azing video Kevin, really :) I was also
happy to hear the czech roll call at the very
beginnig :D

Aleksandra Sasha Kovalchuk

Atikah Che Azizuddin
that was an***azing video, kevin! nice work :)

so touching!!! and so many beauties around u...

Kevin Jean
you only notice the beauty ya? XDD

Andra Robescu
Amazing video Kevin! Congratulations!!! I love
it!!!! I love love love it!

Yas Shad
well done! good job Kevin:)

Oğuz Yılmazlar
maaaan!!!it is great and really touching,thanks
to interns ,i felt at internship myself even in my

Elcin Demirhan
It was an***azing video. Thanks Kevin :)

Svetlana Stegnii
Oh! Kevin, this video is really great! really,
really! All memories born in my mind again! It
made me to live through our intership and all my
time in Turkey again! Thank you! And i understood
I really miss you and all guys, and our cool time,
which we spent together :(

Koray Gökmen Erdiş
Where is our dinner

Kevin Jean
i will still fix it, don't worry haha~

Koray Gökmen Erdiş
ok i*** waiting :D

Monika Nieckarz
Beautiful movie, Kevin – brings back memories
of our internship! Thank U for this:) U don`t even
know how much I miss you... all of you!! Time we
spent together in Turkey is the most beautiful
experience in my life... Hope we`ll meet again!
Greetings from Poland :D

Nao Yamazaki
kevin!!! its sooo***azing :))))))))))))))

Ali Arduç
thıs vıdeo was a very very very***azıng ;;))

Onur Yaldiz
We used your awesome video for roll-call of
AIESEC Eskişehir. In 2nd day opening plenary at
AIESEC Turkey Coordination Meeting , all of
Turkish delegates watched this video.Thanks again

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