Turkish Airlines: Business Class for Stars featuring MANU [HQ]

23 Kasım 2010 Salı, 14:42

1144 izlenme


Mustafa Şahan
Video acılmıo (:

Tugrul Ayotecnolcy
para turklere gıtsın hacım thy
yetkılılerıolun cımbomun sponsoru doya doya
ucsun cocuklar :D

Leon van der Merwe
‎"The video you requested could not be
loaded. Please try again later":(

Belkis Karaduman
You can not see it, impossible!

Golib Kholjigitov
Dear THY customer service,I have sent several
message to THY customer service and have
notreceived any responce about the investigation
process and when it willend. I have sent a
complaint letter to THY (file number 4138660)
and...have not received anything as of yet, even
though it has been morethan two months when I left
a complaint letter in Istanbul airport. I would
like to know the status of my complaint.Please
speed up the process because I*** loosing patience
and seems waisting mytime with you. Since I*** the
public servant in Uzbekistan in the agencywhich
also deals with consumer issues and every day
counts for me and I needto know whether to contact
our sister organization in Turkey which dealswith
consumer affairs, which is Ministry of Industry
and Trade in Turkey.Kind regards,Golib

Musab Enes Yeğen
‎@ Belkis, You cannot see, you can guess.

Christine Flanagan
Manchester United Ruined My Life by Colin

Kun-Kun Dhindsa
the 1968 European cup final ..... lol

Tsolis Akis

Kenan Koçak
sky life :)

Salih Kaya
İnce Memed'i okuyodur.

Serdar Soylu
of course sky life..

Emrah Mazici
He is reading "Mevlana / Rumi"

Chantira Chaiman
sky life magazine on board.

Alp Yener
The Methodology of Make Money....

Yusuf Hızal

Umut Candan

Çelik Mustafa
cheking up the budget..:)

Temel Seyhan
magazines of turkish airlines.

Fuseini Sisu
in fact is really appalling to see dat ok.

Hasan Ceylan
‎:) turkeyyyyyy

Dinç Ekmekçi
Rumi – Bridge to the Soul

Yunus Koçyiğit
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman - Kanuninin Vedabusesi

Seven Up
My Life in Football

Seven Up
My Manchester United Years

Şükrü Güllüoğlu
Orhan Pamuk İstanbul

Kubilay Yagci
The Amazing Spiderman

Nesibe Keskin
‎''Rumi – Bridge to the

Aleksandar Pajic
i poot that vido on facebook

Halil Yasak
RUMI he is reading!

Adnan Merter
boxer :D::D:DDD

Sámet ŦoÞkárá
utanç verici beşiktaşın galatasarayın
fenerin suyumu çıkti bide türkmarkası ha

Oya Aktugan
tabiki kendi kitabini :Sir Bobby Charlton: The
Autobiography: My Manchester United Years

Fouad El Hage
This video it's very nice ! Turkish the best
compagnie love ♥♥♥

Can Gelberi
Ali sami yen cehennemini okuyordur.

Mesut Can Gürkan
I'm sure he is reading
quot; (=

Emre Kardesseven
He is reading "Rumi"

Kabin Memurları
Turkish Perspektif adlı dergi olabilir mi :)

Dilman Catalony
Visca Barca.

Hasanarif Ayalan

Turkish Airlines
Dear Golib Kholjigitov, Your complaint has been
forwarded to our customer service. We will inform
you as soon as possible. Thank you for your

Ali Tabatabaei Malazi

İbrahim Tüfekçi
he is pretending to read Skylife but he is
reading something different inside of

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