Twilight - Cooking Scene

14 Ocak 2010 Perşembe, 09:30

1256 izlenme


Keslyn Brooke Davis
cutee! like it!

Andrea Louise Ulczak
‎:D check out my other vids sometime, i have
like tons of jackson ones. :P

Keslyn Brooke Davis
kk i will

Keslyn Brooke Davis
hey i cant add you my mom wont let me!??!!
rawrr.... sorry i really wish i could

Andrea Louise Ulczak
haha, s'all good. =) you can just message me
on facebook if you want to sometime. :P

Keslyn Brooke Davis
Okayy. Will do. xD How old are you by the way?

Andrea Louise Ulczak

Keslyn Brooke Davis

Andrea Louise Ulczak
I guess, lol. Soon to be an *** OFFICIALLY. lol

Keslyn Brooke Davis

Andrea Louise Ulczak
How old are you?

Keslyn Brooke Davis
almost 14

Keslyn Brooke Davis

Andrea Louise Ulczak
yes, lol. i'm here. i just ran downstairs to
see if supper was mom is making steak
with fries, and i don't eat red meat, so
i'm waiting til she's done with the
steak so that i can make a grilled cheese with my
fries. :P

Keslyn Brooke Davis
Nicee. Sounds yummy. I will take your steak!!

Andrea Louise Ulczak
Hahaha. :P Have it if you want! =) LOL

Keslyn Brooke Davis
xD LOL. I wish i could add you but i "dont
know" you. haha

Andrea Louise Ulczak
I know...but the more we talk we get to know one
another, LOL. Hmm, it should deff be like that for
people who meet other people on facebook. Like
some people add other people just randomly, even
though they've never talked or's just I know you??!!

Keslyn Brooke Davis
Yeah i know what you mean!!like i mean i know how
old you are....i do not know where you live tho.
where do you live?

Andrea Louise Ulczak
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. :D

Keslyn Brooke Davis
Sweet. i like in IowaxD

Andrea Louise Ulczak
Haha, nice. :) I want to move to New York for a
few years. :D

Keslyn Brooke Davis
I love New york.even tho i have never been there i
have just heard. =]

Andrea Louise Ulczak
I know, it'll be my first time there too. My
best friend is there now for a few days with a boy
that she likes. :P

Keslyn Brooke Davis
‎=P. that would be like alot of fun! going to
New York with a guy you like......AMAZINGG

Andrea Louise Ulczak
Haha, I knoww...I'm planning on meeting a boy
there! LOL

Keslyn Brooke Davis
cutee! like it!

Andrea Louise Ulczak
‎:D check out my other vids sometime, i have
like tons of jackson ones. :P

Keslyn Brooke Davis
kk i will

Keslyn Brooke Davis
hey i cant add you my mom wont let me!??!!
rawrr.... sorry i really wish i could

Andrea Louise Ulczak
haha, s'all good. =) you can just message me
on facebook if you want to sometime. :P

Keslyn Brooke Davis
Okayy. Will do. xD How old are you by the way?

Andrea Louise Ulczak

Keslyn Brooke Davis

Andrea Louise Ulczak
I guess, lol. Soon to be an *** OFFICIALLY. lol

Keslyn Brooke Davis

Andrea Louise Ulczak
How old are you?

Keslyn Brooke Davis
almost 14

Keslyn Brooke Davis

Andrea Louise Ulczak
yes, lol. i'm here. i just ran downstairs to
see if supper was mom is making steak
with fries, and i don't eat red meat, so
i'm waiting til she's done with the
steak so that i can make a grilled cheese with my
fries. :P

Keslyn Brooke Davis
Nicee. Sounds yummy. I will take your steak!!

Andrea Louise Ulczak
Hahaha. :P Have it if you want! =) LOL

Keslyn Brooke Davis
xD LOL. I wish i could add you but i "dont
know" you. haha

Andrea Louise Ulczak
I know...but the more we talk we get to know one
another, LOL. Hmm, it should deff be like that for
people who meet other people on facebook. Like
some people add other people just randomly, even
though they've never talked or's just I know you??!!

Keslyn Brooke Davis
Yeah i know what you mean!!like i mean i know how
old you are....i do not know where you live tho.
where do you live?

Andrea Louise Ulczak
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. :D

Keslyn Brooke Davis
Sweet. i like in IowaxD

Andrea Louise Ulczak
Haha, nice. :) I want to move to New York for a
few years. :D

Keslyn Brooke Davis
I love New york.even tho i have never been there i
have just heard. =]

Andrea Louise Ulczak
I know, it'll be my first time there too. My
best friend is there now for a few days with a boy
that she likes. :P

Keslyn Brooke Davis
‎=P. that would be like alot of fun! going to
New York with a guy you like......AMAZINGG

Andrea Louise Ulczak
Haha, I knoww...I'm planning on meeting a boy
there! LOL

Keslyn Brooke Davis
LOL. Niceee!! well i ***ta get off the puter know
so i will talk to you later ♥

Andrea Louise Ulczak
byeee :)

Natalie Polakova
Emmett is cooking xDDlove all scenes with Cullens

Jisoo Kim
FUNNY when alice is like, "it's okay
jasper, you won't hurt her." and then
edward's expression LOL

Rhea Jayachandran
rosalie: "is she even italian?!" emmett:
"her name's bella!"xD

Natalie Polakova
yeah Kellan is great :D

Lauren Anette Hale
Love this scene!! :)

Mickey Kowalczyk
emmett jasper and edward are hilarious!

Emmaretta Aurora Evans
i luv Emmett waving the knife, lol. should we
really trust him with it?? jkjk luv ya Emmett!!
not as much as i luv Jasper and Edward and
Carlisle, though, but your pretty high up
there!and i luv how at the end Esme is being all
mom-like and say 'Clean this up, now.'
lol, it was so funny

Mia Rook
OK is there a cooler looking family i mean really
Freckin awsome i wish i had a family like that i
mean so cool and the kitchen hello would like DIE
to have that kitchen

Alex Blonda
‎"Is she even Italian?""Her name
is Bellla""Here comes the

Pailin Berg
ahh, i love edwards face after Alice have said
"its ok jasper, you wont hurt her" :DD

Emmaretta Aurora Evans
does anyone else notice that when they start
walking up the stairs, u see Carlisle's
cross?? the one that was supposed to be hanging up
in their house in the book?

Genevieve Joy Breitbach
i did!!! :)Where did you find this Andie???

Genevieve Joy Breitbach

Andrea Louise Ulczak
no problemo.

Cpei Tan
i love tis part~

Nicole Eeuwyk
this is prolly one of my fave scenes X3

Abbey Woonton
‎"pheew, get a whiff of that! ...herreee
comes the human!"lol rose craks me up

Liz Hopley
i lv this scene

Kelle Underhill
I love how esme does the mom thing at the end...
"clean this up, Now!" lol

Seren Ersoyy
this is a perfect :)

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