Twilight- I Don't Care

03 Şubat 2010 Çarşamba, 23:00

2187 izlenme


Süß Dadou
a7laaaaa movie 7dirto b7yatee bjaniiiin

Yara Abdullah
i hate twilight marrra ahbal >:

Hannoo Abid T
yaraa 7ram 3leake -_- ♥ twilight ♥

Feras Faisal
movie 3'by !!>_>

Nora Alshrief
not '3aby & not a7la movieit's OK bt
i like this song ^_^

Feras Faisal
ya nice song !!

Lobaba Saleem
this z the worst movie ever!!! coz the book wz the
best ever!! bs 5arabo al ge9a!!

Raneem Waseem Alharbi
the book is way much better !!

Abrar Al.f
ppl who didn't see the movie yet read the
book it's much better !!!!!!!! walllah i ***
so disappointed when i saw the movie i thought it
would be great such as the book ♥ ♥

Meso Tomboy
twilight is boring as hell i only watch it because
of this actor she's so ***ing***azing i love

Raneem Waseem Alharbi
read the book noura u retaread !!

May Saeed
I ♥ the movie and I ♥ the song :D

Sara Dolly
awww i love this movie 2 ♥ ♥
ynashoo 3lehom even the song is nice

Rawan Waseem Aljabri
nice song but the book twilight is so much better
then the movie you should read it

Sheemo Alsh
el song marra fazee3a o kman i love el movie :d

Shoshy Adel Al-Ahmadi
nice song hey geys does any one know whos the

Nora Alshrief
they called Apocalyptica ^__^

Ercan Savaşan
süper Şarkı ***ılmadan hep dinleyebileceğim

I love Twilight and I love Edward and Bella ..
It's very great song ..I very like it ..

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