Undertaker - SummerSlam 2010 Return !

05 Şubat 2011 Cumartesi, 16:06

845 izlenme


Jonathon Thomas Bright

Ryan John King
i hope he wins the 40 man royal rumble me hes a
beast get in john

Parth Jain
the best person i hauv ever seen i hope he wins
the royal rumble

Oyein Harris
I love john cena...

Samantha Sisson
omg poor undertaker he wus my idol!!!!!!! i hate

Michael Standing Cloud
Undertaker is the best I would like to see Kane
take on Undertaker in an Hell IN A CELL match.

Samantha Sisson
me too

Mohsin Jamil
i love john

Nate Lewis
i watch this on t.v. and omg i for*** wat he did
to undertaker...... i would too michael standing

Rohit Kumar Gupta
i like johncena nation.NEVER GIVE UP

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