Ural 3 [HQ]

25 Kasım 2010 Perşembe, 21:45

927 izlenme


In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan
love you julia (truva)

In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan
great video

In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan
Thanks truva. Love you 2 ♥

In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan
My unique son is flying freely above the clouds
now... and Julia, you did an excellent video... I
watched it dozens and dozens of time.. and I cried
each time, maybe my tears reach to my
baby................... (sedef)

Sibel Çıplak Tuğ
Thank you Julia, video is wonderful :)

In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan
♥ We can cry with hopeWe can say goodbye with
hope'Cause we know our goodbye is not the
endAnd we can grieve with hope'Cause we
believe with hope...There's a place where
we'll see your face againWe'll see your
face again ♥Im so pleased that you like it
Sedef, I truly felt guided by Ural to make this
video with this song ♥ Fly free Ural, we will
see you again one day ♥ (Julia)

Gamze İncioğlu
You're good woman your video is very well...

Yusuf Ziya Çelikcan
Dear Julia thanks...♥

Laura Mullen
He was such a happy little boy.Why would his own
cousion have done that to him?RIP URAL!!!May your
killer think about you everyday and have
nightmares everynight for what he did to you.

In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan
we also dnt know why..he was just a sycho ..ı
hope he rot there

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