Vadrum Meets Super Mario Bros (Drum Video)

21 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi, 21:51

801 izlenme


ירין אברהם
wow.... i like that =]

Marie-christine Boyer
un vrai plaisir

Seigneur Archibald
c'est carrément cool ^^"

Clement Lestrade
et le mieu dans tout sa .. c'est que c
tellement bien trouver qu'on danceré sur
n'importe quoi lol MEME SUR MARIO xD

Axel Pusceddu
piglia megabene

Nick West
dang, everyone knows Italian. I don't. but are a magnificent drummer.
incredible. i can't wait to get as good as
you. major props Mr. Vadrucci.

Patrick Lamparter
I love it!!!!!!!!

Giuseppe Paterna
spettacolare!!!!!! sei un grande!

Pericles Rountos
You're***azing, keep the videos coming and
we'll keep watching!!!

Carlos R Vega

Chris Ryan Coco
magifique! i think thats italian?

Rizal Vrdaus SjmBmc EvoLight

Rizal Vrdaus SjmBmc EvoLight
mbuh aku byo ra' ngerti do ngomong po

Emmanuel Salvador
Best ever dude! Keep up the good job...... Put
more videos

Alfonso Rincon Hernandez
muy bueno felicitaciones por ese talento tan bien

Kyle Bee
insane, i love these mario drum things

Joseph Karnes
perfect, as always!

Arungga Armadiyan
umm nice play

Andhy Vadrucci

Gigo Gi***ai
C'est parfait !!!Que de souvenirs avec super
Mario bros !!!La bande son revisité par Vadrum
c'est un régal !! ^^

Meriç Gültekin
wow turkey

Ynhoc Therez
Wonderfull....,,I Like it!!! (",)

Gaetano Campanile
sei un adoro la batteria e tu la
fai parlare..grande vadrum.....

Jenaro Solórzano
what number of drumsticks you use ?

Nick Broome

Alejandra Karina Ibañez
Wow...very good!!!

GLenn Tipton
Andrea vadRucci ♥..... FRom TurKey...

Kj Maumasi
AWESOME man yeah

Arieph Dharma
nice....nice....i Like this

KoTeblood Diaz
WOW..... lo mejor andrea vadrucci lo mejor se
paso nadien es mejor que EL.

Austin Sowers
the most***azing drummer hand down :D

Josita Oka
very good andrea... good luck !

Hendra TRoopss FLeett

Alexander Andre Quispe Fernandez
eres el mejor

Julia Canteros

Manuel David Alcantar Cervantes

Alexander Storm
You are one of the best drummer I have seen in my
life ! You ROCK !

Rheyza Achmad
good job..very very good...i like this...

Mark Warren
crazy solo really good

Yuvraj Prabhakar
you are my inspiration....respect. :D

Sahil Chadha
‎:O this is what drummers do.create something
out of nothing.keep up the great work dude!:D

Michael Hernandez
man your awesome

Ryand Marley

Brian Cabañas
es un groso

'Mert GökÇe
Vadrum nokia,

Mauro Jambo Confalonieri

Tommy Escobar Fabro

'Fernando Orellana

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