Ville is reading something..

26 Haziran 2010 Cumartesi, 22:00

695 izlenme


H.I.M His Infernal Majesty
my chevalier

Maja Ragamuffin
He is reading Edgar Allan Poe's Romence ♥
♥ ♥

Marion Tussaund
I know this video ♥ Ville so beuty ♥

H.I.M His Infernal Majesty
I know Edgar Allan Poe is Villes fav. writer

Maja Ragamuffin
*** opps i spell wrong Romance... sorry.. Yeah,he
is. ♥

Marion Tussaund
Yep :) His so much love Edgar Allan Peo :)

Sherry Duchaine
Oh yes I recognize this book. I have this volume,
it's beautiful. Leather bound with gold leaf,
it's The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar
Allan Poe.

H.I.M His Infernal Majesty
my chevalier

Maja Ragamuffin-Valo
He is reading Edgar Allan Poe's Romence ♥
♥ ♥

Marion Tussaund
I know this video ♥ Ville so beuty ♥

H.I.M His Infernal Majesty
I know Edgar Allan Poe is Villes fav. writer

Maja Ragamuffin-Valo
‎*** opps i spell wrong Romance... sorry..
Yeah,he is. ♥

Marion Tussaund
Yep :) His so much love Edgar Allan Peo :)

Sherry Duchaine
Oh yes I recognize this book. I have this volume,
it's beautiful. Leather bound with gold leaf,
it's The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar
Allan Poe.

H.I.M His Infernal Majesty
my chevalier

Maja Ragamuffin-Valo
He is reading Edgar Allan Poe's Romence ♥
♥ ♥

Marion Tussaund
I know this video ♥ Ville so beuty ♥

H.I.M His Infernal Majesty
I know Edgar Allan Poe is Villes fav. writer

Maja Ragamuffin-Valo
‎*** opps i spell wrong Romance... sorry..
Yeah,he is. ♥

Marion Tussaund
Yep :) His so much love Edgar Allan Peo :)

Sherry Duchaine
Oh yes I recognize this book. I have this volume,
it's beautiful. Leather bound with gold leaf,
it's The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar
Allan Poe.

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