Waiting for the end [HQ]

30 Mayıs 2011 Pazartesi, 01:44

692 izlenme


Alexis Rafael M***es M***es
este video es asombroso

Arturo Cruz Zamora
awesome !!!

Giovanni Lotto
cosa ce di meglio ????

Lazy Nis
dherai damiz 6 hoooooooooooo!

Levi Thomason
this song iz da shit

Devesh Ahuja
f o levi...

Mando Pop
the Best song from A Thousand Suns :)

Edgardo J. Rivera
this is the best linkin park has ever had

Ramar Müller
Sounds like a fcking nice Song :D

Kimberly DiLao Brebante
nice one..!!!

Hatim Dahod

Alexa Okami Linares
best song

EgarSandiihka Manteman Rastavara
linkin park i love you you the best of the
best/see you tomorrow

Roberto Sanchez
best song ever

Sara Lynn Kiley

Kevster Meister
i like the 2:42 part.:)

Benjamin Castro Galvez
the best song of the album a thousand suns ^^

Vincent Trejo Jr
bad ass song!!

Lauren Beyea Gannon
this song is the song to my life

Charles Daniel
nice vid. dreamt something like this , then
it's Linkin Park rockin' this song, WE
say yeah, With fists flying up in the air .
*there's more to this end that we are
waiting, just holding on to what i haven't
***. :)))

Claudio Lamattina

Mohamed Aloui
this what all about

Leonardo Guedes

Kafu Alvear
esta cancion es super

Sunil Arya
fan of the music god.............

Tomas Grosso
q temaso!!!!1

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